Feedback:User/Spatialwarp/Dynamic Event Frequency Indicator

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After playing through two of the BWEs I noticed that many of the dynamic events repeat frequently. In some cases it's a matter of five or ten minutes before the same event triggers again. Other events happen less frequently, and once the game is released there will almost certainly be seasonal or one-time events.

My suggestion is that ANet implement a frequency indicator of some kind. Players could and should respond differently to events that happen more and less often. There would be no need to frantically rush over to an event in progress if you know you can come back in half an hour and catch the next one. By contrast, if I see an event come up that's marked as relatively rare, I would be that much more likely to drop what I'm doing and go participate. This also gives insight into how important success or failure is. If I see that, for example, the Krait are attacking a fishing village for the thirtieth time that day, I'll know I probably don't need to fight very hard to repel them.

I have no idea how GW2 is going to handle world-level endgame events like battles against the Elder Dragons. But it's not hard to imagine that these events might be of considerable impact on the surrounding area, and might only happen once.

Such a frequency indicator could be implemented in the way the event descriptions are written, e.g. "The centaurs are attacking the village. Again. Go kill them to keep them away for a while." -- this conveys that the attacks are a regular occurrence, so if you miss this one you need only wait a few minutes. Alternatively, there could be a frequency rank, displayed by color coding, or an icon, or a number.