Feedback:User/TsaiKo/Easier Solution to the two weapons conjured at a time issue

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The Elementalist Weapon Conjurations currently create two copies of the weapon, one in the caster's hands and one at a targeted area. This results in two of the same item appearing at the same time and has larger issue of other players taking the weapon intended for your use since it appears as an environmental pickup.

A much easier solution would be to split the current simultaneous 2 summons of the conjure weapon spells into a combo cast. The first press conjures the weapon in your hands and the second allows you to throw it down at a targeted area for someone to pick up.

This would prevent two of the same weapon from being summoned at the same time by the player while also preventing unauthorized use. Simply remove the one in the player's hands when he tosses it down for pickups.

It has no effect on balance besides splitting up the two effects that the spell already has. This means that you wouldn't have to re-balance traits or any other mechanics either.

Even if the player tosses it down and picks it right back up again to reset the charges, that at most would result in one less charge than a player burning one out and picking up the other with the current version of the spell.

Mechanically it would still let the weapon disappear if simply dropped.