Feedback:User/TsaiKo/Elementalist Weapon Conjure only self equips as Default

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I propose that the default conjure mechanic for Elementalist conjured weapons be self equip only at a base 25 charges and that the Conjurer trait should instead unlock the ground targeted second weapon summon and burst effect that is currently default.

In order to prevent unauthorized use, the spell should have a detonate combo to destroy the second copy of the weapon similar to Ice Wall and other detonatable skills.

Without a mechanic locking the weapons to the user's party, other passing players often simply walk up and take your weapon before you are finished with your first. It's really quite aggravating. The largely individual play of overland PvE makes this a bit non sensical. Since the second weapon is not locked to party, indeed probably isn't even locked to friendlies, the burst effects of the weapon summons are also largely unusable in PvP as the weapon can easily be picked up and used against you. Indeed, this can make the skill almost entirely useless in small scale (especially 1v1) PvP.

In PvE the current mechanic has the odd result in which fully using the weapon entails sitting on the second weapon burning charges then picking it up to reset the timer and charge count. I'm guessing the current mechanic resulted because picking up and dropping the weapon probably reset the charges/timer on the weapon and this mechanic was created so dropping the weapon would destroy it while still allowing one to be summoned for others to use, but this rarely is what a player is looking for.

Also, the animation for the Ice Bow's Ice Storm arrow rain fires the arrows to the right instead of up (looks very silly)