Feedback:User/Victor6267/Gods Statue Avatars

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Instead of the current avatars of the gods (the ones that appear when u kneel at their statue not the dervish forms) why not use the Dervish Form of that God maybe with a bit of a animation of that god appearing Ex.

Grenth - A small fissure opens in ground with blue mists flowing from it and he rises up from within it.( mist continues to flow from his feet as he stands.)

Balthazar - A giant flame wells from the ground and as the flames fall he stands there. (small flames occasionally appear on/around him.)

Dwayna - A mystical Light (similar to the one currently used for her apperance) appears from the sky and she gracfully lands on her feet.( she could be radiating light or the light she falls from could stay around her)

Lyssa - An old fragile lady appears and a glowing purple light surrounds her (somthing kind of like a chaos storm exept surrounding ALL of her) and as the glow fades Lyssa stands there.( strings of glowing purple light flow around her.)

Melandru - A tree grows from the ground with Melandru's form in it and as the tree shrinks she's left standing there.(flowers/plants slowly grow around her feet)

How each gods appears is a bit like how they appear in their scripture or i tried to think of somthing that would fit for the god and what they represent. Victor6267 06:26, 22 November 2009 (UTC)