Feedback:User/Volfen/WvW Bound Within Tyria Proper

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(A past suggestion, made under the alias Balan Makki, on a long forgotten forum.)

Parallel The Mist with the PvE world - the hardscape of Tyria - as a separate, but parallel, layered instances, where players can move between both venues freely, with few limitations. The PvE environment and quests could double as WvW training ground. Provide very subtle bleed-over from WvW into PvE, as a hint to actions taking place in WvW. Any PvE area could be included, or excluded, depending on the tactical, or exploitable nature of the environment. Several servers would then have access to these WvW instances per match-up. PvE and PvP would be completely separate, neither able to influence the other, but would exist virtually side - by - side.

This feature could build, morph and develop well after initial release of game; as updates, access packs, or included in larger campaigns. The value: what is developed for PvE can, with slight mods, also be used for WvW conquest. And, access into WvW is almost seamless. It could conceivably double content, with only investment in re-propagating areas. It also makes WvW an explorer's dream, as the dynamic elements could be entirely different. . . double the fun.