Feedback:User/Xadus/Guild Wars 2: The Voice

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During PvP: "Defend your objectives, seize theirs, do i have to draw you a picture?" During PvP: "Health, Vigor, Recovery" by Mesmer

(Have been complaints about these and should be altered. The repetitiveness. Who is the person telling us to defend the objectives? Let the user characters, or {possibly} the team leader say those words.

-Okay, lets break it down

After watching countless videos of Guild Wars 2 in beta, I've noticed something that stood out. The character dialogue and interaction system creating a small lack of life within the game. I have not seen the WHOLE game, but from what I have seen, it is not there.) In the recent Dragon Age 2 video game by BioWare, during most combat situations, there were a series of character interactions with you, (the player) and other NPC. In example, when one part of your party is killed, another party member, either you (the player) or a non-player character will respond with a shout or some type of response. "Carver! You'll pay for that!" Hawke screams as his brother is killed and goes into a downed state. These interactions would be great in Guild Wars 2.

In my suggestion, I suggest that Arena Net and NC Soft adjust the voices and dialogue of the characters during game play. Whether one is on a wild hunt or a prolonged quest, there should be some communication between characters. If one plays with his or her buddy and his or her buddy gets the final blow on a target, then someone's character should be able to say "That was promising" or maybe even with some humor: "We could have done better," "Nice combination," "Is that all you've got?" "Thanks for the help" "Thanks" (After someone gives positive feedback, or even after a "in person" trade.)"Watch where you shoot your arrows!" "Can your sword be any sharper" (If it's well crafted) "Your looking good" "You don't look so well" "Put clothes on"

When one engages in combat, should there be yells, shouts and screaming, or should there be some type of verbal communication? How about both? It should NOT be repetitive. (As far as we know, getting recordings for voices is not very difficult, we would even volunteer!)

If one embarks on a voyage alone and hasn't encountered live players for hours, they should never feel alone. Their character should be able to speak and use their voice by the environment which also encourages entertainment. "There's a fire over there, should I put it out? "This cave looks rather dark". Even if one is just frolicking around, his or her voice should be heard. Bringing life to the characters is what people want. If they spend hours customizing; I'm sure they would want their character to have a voice.

Keep your friends close. If one is in a party, the character interaction system should always be towards your allies. If one teammate's health is low, perhaps one could say, "Let me help you!" "It's just a flesh wound." Even during the downed state one could push a key to let that player know that help is on the way. Left click, then character says "I'm coming!" (The downed player and the user can hear the comment)This can even be used as a reward system, like how many people you've helped voluntarily, and how many character responses you've responded to. If one's character says, there's a child in danger over there, then user goes the opposite direction, this could be an unfulfilled response but does not count towards karma(only for main quests and missions we believe?).

In some occasions, it is optional that dialogue could be directed towards your enemy, lets take PVP for example. There is 1 minute left on the clock, and there is just you and one player. While teammates watch, there will be a good amount of dialogue being exchanged in the battle. (Nothing too graphic) "I'll show you!" "Just me and you!" "Give me your best shot". Lets say a ranger misses an attack. "Haha, you missed me." Dialogue like this will seriously grab the attention of players more than the game already has.

In concluding this suggestion we believe this should be suggested. Other ideas are fine, and should be looked at for future "updates" with the game.

--Xadus 01:27, 22 April 2012 (UTC) We wrote this, don't know why its acting funny