Feedback:User/Zacharias Yamani/New Races

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Your suggestion text goes here... It may be a bit early for the Devs to start thinking about the expansions yet, but I've looked around and seen a couple good points made about the problems new professions brought to balanced game play in Guild Wars. Yet there's going to be expectation from players for something new and playable when expansions do come out.

My suggestion would be to implement new races rather than new professions for the areas opened up with the expansions. Specifically the Tengu for Cantha who are undoubtedly fighting for their lives against the xenophobic policies of Emperor Usoku and probably have allies among those who oppose the Emperor's actions(possibly even Lux or Kurz freedom fighters). And in Elona either the Centaurs who are being hunted down by Palawa Joko after Zhed Shadowhoof's insults at the Desolation or the Forgotten waging war against Joko in the name of the Six Gods as they once did against the Charr.