Feedback talk:User/Arghore/GW2 Ranger

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I really like your idea of the ranger, and I strayed away from it because i felt like the ranger was too... basic, or not-as-versatile. Everything seems fine except for 2 staff skills: Binding Roots and Thorn Wave. Ranger's aren't really "masters of nature" but only attune to it and utilize it to benefit oneself. Whereas a sylvari is more likely to be that "master of nature" and actually control nature itself, rather than conjuring nature's powers through nature spirits and what have you. So binding Roots is most definately a more appropiate skill for sylvari, but I don't see why it can't be a trap? And as for thron wave, This can be slightly altered to match that of a ranger's "being" so he could create a wall of thorny plants to inflict bleed onto the target whenever it comes in contact with the wall. But the "summoning of thorny plants" wouldn't be as magical as the "summoning of roots that serve you" So basically, if nature serves you, then it's most likely to fit that of a sylvari. but if it helps you, then it can be either sylvari or ranger. If it's still unclear, think about a slave and an assistant. slaves do your work, assistants help complete this work. Sylvari can make slaves and assistants, rangers can only make assistants. --Eclipse143 23:48, 27 September 2011 (UTC)

Staff for the Ranger[edit]

I want to suggest too that a "Ranger" can use a staff as "weapon" so that it may be a "Nature Guardian" (a "Shepherd" or a "Master of Nature"), so I am excited about your suggestion and I think it is excellent that you have suggested it already. Say, that a Human or a Norn may choose to behave as a Ranger -who *uses* her *knowledge* of nature in her benefit-, but a Sylvari may choose to behave as a Nature Guardian whose *friendship* with nature helps her. So in my view it is the last section the most interesting:

Staff: the staff is a long range weapon centered around beast mastery and nature skills 1. Swarm of insects: have a foe festered by insects doing dot. [no recharge] 2. Binding roots: immobilize a single target with roots [6s] 3. Rodent Menace: Mole hills appear and rabbits come from the ground in a certain locations, causing foes to get crippled. [20s] 4. Thorn wave: cone shaped attack blasting a wave of thorns at foes.[10s] 5. Bird of Prey: call upon a bird of prey to fly in and attack your foe, with bleed and dot [30s]

I suggest that using a staff may also increase the pet's powers and skills or add a line of spells for damage or spells which may improve the regeneration and healing rol of a "Ranger", making her more supportive for others. So there may be, also, more healing skills for her, like: Spring Life, Bark Shield or Detoxifying Breeze.

Resuming: There are too many weapon based professions in Guid Wars 2 by now (5 out of 7) although the Guardian seems to have a spell caster side, I am not sure whether the Guardian will be playable as a caster. I do not understand why the Ranger is so weaponry -there are too many weapons for the Ranger-, I suggest that Guild Wars 2 makes a more Sylvari friendly Ranger.