Feedback talk:User/Bold Baby Undies/adding vehicles

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vehicles are a good idea, but i prefer the concept of mounts. such as riding an armoured moa or giant spider or something cool and magical to stick with the guildwars spirit. vehicles would bring it too close to modern day, and take away from its chracter, but riding a bear around in battle is much more interesting. also, there could be larger modes of transport (maybe on the back of a saltspray dragon) to take characters (at a price) from one town to another.

Why would people pay for a taxi when they could map travel? >.> -Auron 07:49, 20 January 2010 (UTC)
Why would people read the GW2 FAQ when they can make false assumptions? User Felix Omni Signature.pngelix Omni 08:13, 20 January 2010 (UTC)
I'm not really sure who you're responding to, since your link shows that GW2 will have map travel. -Auron 15:31, 20 January 2010 (UTC)

From what i read, The traditional Map travel that we are used to is going... Which to be honest i prefer. Bring in mounts and only have Asuran Gates at Key outposts. This still allows quick travel to certain areas whilst also allowing travel in Large, Rich Persistent areas. SharazCataclysm 13:58, 21 January 2010 (UTC)

I prefer the new idea myself too, I've always wondered why I can magically escape by map traveling when otherwise i'm stuck... but ya, if there is no map travel, they have to make us either really fast (which i'm ok with) or give us mounts (even better!)
As noted in one of "Knighthonor's" trademark WoW wannabe suggestions: "Mounts? Are you kidding? We didn't have them in GW1 for a reason. What would be the point? Mounts are designed to make players look like pompous fools while only sometimes offering movement speed bonuses. Map travel, portals, or running skills, either way travel is going to be easier than crawling from one end of the world to the other, provided you've been there before. Even if you haven't, I'm sure there will be plenty of runners to get you where you need to go. Another WoW suggestion torn to pieces in a place it didn't belong." Teddy Dan, yo. 09:00, 30 November 2010 (UTC)