Feedback talk:User/Darkshine/Is GW2 losing origionality?

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Guild Wars 2 is a game in itself, and it is a true catalyst to the future of MMO's. No matter what game you play, there will always be something similar that can be found. Guild Wars 2 can be compared many ways to different MMO's. Basically, the more you compare Guild Wars 2 to WoW, the more points your giving WoW. In the end, the title of Guild Wars 2 is Guild Wars 2. Not World of Charrcraft.


You are using a verry weird contrast in your feedback about gw2, you said they must come out with more originally professions and then you ask them to bring back the mesmer, that's like don't asking your girlfriend out and wondering why she isn't at the cinema...

Also, I must say, i have played a week WoW in the trial, comparing to a year of GuildWars and i'm still playing it (gw). When i saw the cataclysm trailer, one thing came up to me: FAKERS!!!!! blizzard is the worst gaming industry if it comes to stealing someones idea's, the dragon was originally based on gw2 trailers, take that plus the fact that blizzard has more employees (i guess) and works quite a lot, and you come an expansion pack for WoW based on the GW2 trailer, because its an expansion pack, they didn't need to take the time to develop it like gw2.

this is quite irrelevant with what you said but its an example of why you think it isn't original but in fact, it is.--Frozen Ice Prince 10:58, 3 April 2011 (UTC)

Actually, I had the same thought when I saw that trailer. I think that while there is inevitably going to be over-lapping ideas, I think that a lot of the class content that has been released seems TOO similar. It might seem that way to me is all. As for coming up with origional professions, I just didn't want to see them take stuff from another game series, i.e. WoW. Bringing the Mes back would be continuity, which for me works just fine and connects the two games. But yes, I do agree with you about the Shatterer vs. Cataclysm. XP I felt disgusted. XD Darkshine 18:46, 9 April 2011 (UTC)
Except that Deathwing has been in Warcraft lore for a fairly long time. I'm not familiar with when he first popped up in the lore, but I'd wager that it's definitely before EotN came out. Saying that WoW copied Anet based on what could possibly be the most common fantasy creature ever is a rather ridiculous argument. Anyways, there's a boatload of differences that aren't covered in this feedback. Keep in mind that the combat system is considerably more active than your traditional MMO holy trinity. Then, you've got to factor in Traits - which we know oh-so-little about - and actual Necromancer or Thief skills. Wait for more info, and then worry that Anet is copying Blizzard.Zetta 19:06, 9 April 2011 (UTC)
Hey, hey, I believe that I used many "sounds like" and "looks like" in my spiel. I know practically nothing about what a skill actually does besides the skill description that is on the GW2 wiki, and from skill vids. All I am saying is that it seems like they are similar, whether they actually are is only for ANet and possibly PAX people to know about.Darkshine 22:02, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
I didn't know StarCraft and WarCraft were someone else's ideas. I also didn't know Blizzard thought they were the first people to make dragons that take over the world. Protip: Every game with powerful dragons in it is ripping off DnD, and they all know it. If you had done your homework, you would also know that Blizz completes all of their games' main lore before they release them. Blizz came up with Cataclysm in 2004.
Trying to make an original MMO is like trying to take virginity from a hooker. ~Shard User Shard Sig Icon.png 03:16, 26 April 2011 (UTC)

A couple things: 1. Engergy and initiative are sort of similar, except that you can use ~3 abilities back-to-back on full energy and 10 with initiative. 2. In Vanilla WoW (before any expansions) dragons were the main bosses of lore, and many dungeons. Since then they've diverged from dragons to keep it new and different, but dragons were always the original "bad guys" of many RPGs in the past. I actually like the back-to-roots dragon villain. 3. When designing high-fantasy-MMORPGs, there's going to be a lot of overlap. Rogues or thieves have to be quick and hard-hitting, and able to lots of damage really fast. There's only so many ways one can do this without seeming derivative of something else. 4. I defintely agree the GW1 had very unique professions (even for me, not playing the game) like the Mesmer, Dervish, Paragon (which used spears of all things) and the Ritualist. I hope to see some of this originality come back in the next two classes. Oh, and of the next two, one is confirmed to be new and one will be returning, one cloth-wearing and one leather. I've got my fingers crossed for the Mesmer or Dervish. --Thunderduck 3:31, 25 April (UTC)

OK, I guess I need to make some things clear.

I do not like how visually similar the Cataclysm dragon is to the Shatterer, not in the sense of lore (there really isn't that much you can do). I really like having the dragons be the bad guys. And I agree with you Shard, Dnd is the origional RPG, being an avid DnD gamer myself.
On the topic of the thief, i actually don't want Anet to get rid of this. In my opinion, the low initiative will hypothetically make players have to think (oh no! I said the dreaded "t" word!)before they send their thief headlong into combat. Things like; I use skill7 to poof to this mob, then use skills1, 2, and 4 to take enemy x down, then I will poof back out, turn sneaky-like, then circle to find a different target, rather than, say, face-rolling.
What I want ANet to do is not to get rid of these mechanics completely, but to change them. I want them to say "OK, so this game has a really cool mechanic to do this. What could we do to put an ANet spin on it, while still keeping what was cool about it intact?" instead of taking what looks to me as if it were a copy.(This is where my suggestion about changing death shroud would be from)
And I still don't like how there is little variability to the MM branch of the GW2 Necromancer...
I did know that they said one would be returning, I guess that line was just me pleading with ANet to make it be the Mesmer. lulz :D

Anyhow, hope that helps. Darkshine 22:46, 26 April 2011 (UTC)

Another thing that I don't like from the videos is how large all of the numerical entities are. 8000 hp? 350 damage? Is that REALLY needed? I mean, it should really only be common to see max levelers in the quadruple digits, and even then HP should only be ranging form 1500-2000. Damage should be reduced too. A character in the 1-10 range (to those of us who play 4e, that would be the heroic tier) shouldn't have 300 health. :P Plus, it looks like all of those damage numbers would clog up my screen... Darkshine 21:31, 6 May 2011 (UTC)