Feedback talk:User/Derikvyreflame/Realistic Paragon Armor

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Altough it's unlikely to happen i completely agree that at least the male paragon armor needs some serious redesign so it has less of a drag (not gonna call them gay) armor. Right now it's the looks that prevents most people from using a paragon, lack of balance in the skills would be the second reason. At least covering the legs properly and the lower part of the upper body would be alot better than an iron skirt and a steel tank-top. Da Mystic Reaper 21:22, 14 December 2011 (UTC)

Exactly. Sadly it is VERY unlikely, but the suggestion needed saying. Personally, i think this along with a skill rehaul would be a perfect way to bring Paragons into the mix. Derikvyreflame 21:43, 14 December 2011 (UTC)

While they're at it they could also replace those floating crystals with helmets since helmets would go better with the idea of heavy armor CrazyGorilla 19:15, 4 January 2012 (UTC)

Indeed: these are commanders, generals, LEADERS... Not elementalists XD A good leader doesnt take unnecessary risks, and replacing armor with jewelry... kinda a big one ^^" Derikvyreflame 23:50, 4 January 2012 (UTC)