Feedback talk:User/Fade8388/Camera Movement Option

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I understand the points you are making with regards to mouse and camera control and believe them to be valid. However, if this suggestion were implemented, I'd like it to be completely optional; the "tap the skill" control could be toggled on or off. My reason for this is I use a trackball and have no difficulties with control of my character and control of the camera as I don't have to worry about running out of mousepad room. Guild Wars 3 perhaps 17:26, 11 August 2012 (UTC)

About Face[edit]

There is a bind to look behind and a bind to flip 180 degrees in a flash, what is the problem? --Skekzyz 06:03, 15 August 2012 (UTC)

It also sounds like you rely solely on clicking to target enemies, there is a target closest bind, a target next bind, and a target previous bind, again, what is the problem? My guess is picnic. --Skekzyz 06:08, 15 August 2012 (UTC)
Well for me at least, I don't really like doing things by automation - if I bind a key, it's usually that I'd absolutely need it, but it's always quicker to only bind the things you absolutely need (camera is something that is just a part of the keyboard/mouse skill, doesn't really have to do with how well you understand the game itself). So IMO, holding down right-click to turn is a unnecessary mechanic, and so is using the keyboard to control camera (part of smooth movement is that you got a feel of the camera, a keyboard doesn't give you that feel). For example, what if you have to turn 130 degrees? after you shift 180, then you have to make another judgement as to moving 50 degrees in which direction, as oppose to a mouse - you could just follow him instantly. --Fade8388 10:52, 18 August 2012 (UTC)