Feedback talk:User/Gah My Name Cant Fi/Conjure Onyx

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I think this has come up before on another post, but some of the recommendations were types of stone(ie. conjure granite, diamond, onyx ect.) Flaming Hot Chilli 07:49, 8 September 2009 (UTC)

earth doesnt have a conjure because they have more defense, their meant to be tanks, not dps Talamare 03:03, 15 September 2009 (UTC)
Elementalists shouldn't use Conjures anyway, and Earth Magic isn't just for defense. While more defensive than the other magics, it still has its uses in a fight. It's just commonly used for tanking because it has several powerful defensive spells (namely Obsidian Flesh, Stoneflesh Aura, Armor of Earth and the Stone Striker/Mantra of Earth combination). Earth magic still has quite a few good damage skills. --Gah_ 16:39, 15 September 2009 (UTC)