Feedback talk:User/Guild Wars 3 perhaps/Squad Commander Standing Orders

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Simply a great idea!

Expanding on it just a little for fun: Have the option to include a shared "battle plan" in the form of a map that the Squad Commander has drawn upon to show offensive/defensive positions and strategies.

I like your addition; that's a great idea! I want to see a little more variety in strategy and tactics brought to WvWvW. From what I've seen in videos to date, it's all been zerg mobs blasting away at a gate for 10 minutes and little else. Fun the first couple times, I'm sure. But after awhile that's going to get very repetitive and very old. I'm hoping ArenaNet will find some ways to increase the depth of play in WvWvW. Guild Wars 3 perhaps 06:07, 9 May 2012 (UTC)


I like the idea of being able to type something out so that it's always available to the squad. Whether it needs to be as complicated as suggested... dunno about that. However, the devs at ANet can surely figure out soome implementation of the concept. – Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 08:09, 12 August 2012 (UTC)