Feedback talk:User/Indexer/Being Proactive With Inflation

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I thought that Gems-to-Gold works when players who have bought gems sell them to other players for gold. I wasn't aware that there was a mechanism for converting Gems-to-Gold in the abscence of a transaction with another player. From the wiki:

"Gems are the in-game currency required to purchase things from the Gem Store. Gems may be bought with real-world money and spent to get convenience items, account services, or decorative items. Like in-game items, they can be traded to other players for coin at the Trading Post."

So there is no net increase of in-game gold. They're simply sold to other players who have acquired their gold from one of the existing faucets. Or has a new mechanism been added to the game that I wasn't aware of that permits conversion of gems-to-gold in the abscence of any player-to-player transaction; effectively creating gold out of thin air?

Guild Wars 3 perhaps 17:02, 6 September 2012 (UTC)

You cannot trade gems with players on the Trading Post for coin. You can however exchange gems for gold using the Currency Exchange.
When a player uses the Gem-to-Gold feature they're not actually trading with another player. No player has set the price for gems or gold. The first person to use either system was told that they could get however much gold for the gems that they had acquired, and because they're the first there's no possibility of any other player influencing the system. Therefore the Gem-to-Gold, Gold-to-Gems, and Currency Exchange systems are players interacting with a system rather than with each other.
The prices in the G-to-G features are given through supply and demand, where the system by default sells gems high and buys them low. Players can't set prices themselves or make buy/sell orders, they can either accept whatever the price, blindly wait until it's more beneficial to them, or not use the features at all.
Assuming that there is no net increase in gold (and therefore not a currency faucet) the system would have to contain an invisible stockpile of gems and gold which can be depleted. Unfortunately there is no evidence for or against this.

Indexer 20:16, 6 September 2012 (UTC)

I do see how that would be a problem, then. Guild Wars 3 perhaps 04:41, 7 September 2012 (UTC)