Feedback talk:User/Kalizar/Ragdoll Physics

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I think this is a great idea & support it :) The preceding unsigned comment was added by Bradkay aus (talk) at 11:36, 12 May 2010 (UTC).

yeah i agree and it would also look good for like catapult hits and maybe other seige weapons.

I think this an awesome idea too, but i think its already been implemented in some way. If you read through the article on Combat on the GW2 site they mention something about a combo that starts with thsi guy using a skill that launches a drake into the air, then his mate uses another skill that impales it. Wether its the same thing or not idk. The one hangup i have with this idea though, if you abuse it and try to put it into every skill possible you will end up with 2 problems: A) it makes for a higher game spec, and the team have specifically said they are making it a game that can both run on lower spec machines and high spec machines alike. I know for one my laptop hasnt got a great specs but it can run GW1 on low graphics settings. I dont see the ragdoll physics being an option to turn off and so implies that it will raise the minmum specs required for the game. B) It might, in some situations, cause people to exploit this too much. It means teams can bring skills which will have effects like this and will be able to very easily gank virtually anything,in that with enough skills like Shockwave being used enemies will just be getting up only to be thrown away before getting a chance to do anything. Also this in PvP would be limitlessly infuriating for everyone.

Having said this, if they use it for certain elements, like the previously mentioned seige weapon fire, it would be a great addition. Becuase lets be honest, a boulder launched from a catapult lands 7 feet away from you, or a cannon blast hits in a near vicinity, you are not gonna stand there unphased. - Jimmer123

Sounds like a good idea, on a related note I wonder if Euphoria could also be implemented, if so it would be incredible! Jarak 23:58, 2 August 2010 (UTC)