Feedback talk:User/Malaf Kahmuson/3D Printed Figures

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wow faking[edit]

as long as wow is faking guildwars (2) we should'nt be faking them, i would love the idea but since it was created by wow it isn't fitting in the guildwars system, guildwars isn't made for faking wow, so we don't do that.--Frozen Ice Prince 08:29, 27 February 2011 (UTC)

I appreciate to some degree where you are coming from, but why should A-net be unable to produce something external to the game which is both potentially lucrative and and provides the player with personalised merchandise (unless of course there are legal issues in doing so, patents etc.). This in essence is not copying WoW, and for that matter GW2 doesn't need to copy, particularly in terms of gameplay, graphics and lore, but with GW I was disappointed with the merchandise available and these 3D models are an excellent Idea IMO.--Malaf Kahmuson 14:27, 27 February 2011 (UTC)