Feedback talk:User/Miclee/The 'First' Gun

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I love the layout, but the problem is, the first guns are already witnessed in GW1: The GW2 guns are simply "smaller" versions of the old canons and such. So any "first gun" would probably already have been around for a long time, and there could be many different versions of a "first gun" (for instance, the Charr may have invented a gun, while unknown to them the humans have also invented a gun, therefore both of them claim to have invented the "first" gun model that is most similar to the modern gun design). And then there comes the point to which you ask "when is a weapon a gun and not a canon?" and things like that. Overall the quest asks for a lot of specifics that are all quite debatable, which may not be the best topic for a big quest like this. However, the layout is great, and if you think of some other "secret" to be discovered, I'm sure it would work splendidly. :) --GreatWallStr 17:50, 15 May 2010 (UTC)

Love it! 14:25, 6 March 2011 (UTC) This is the kind of quest I want to play.