Feedback talk:User/Narthil/Harsher Punishment for leavers PvP

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I agree that the punishment should be harsher. The first offense should still result in a small punishment. Often times, people legitimately disconnect or have real life issues. If it happens more than once, then they really shouldn't be playing.

Hopefully, we might not have to worry about this in GW2. They have mentioned hot-joinable games, in which leaving early is perfectly fine. Leaving in WvW might have a negligible effect. We'll just have to wait to see what the PvP formats are going to be like. --Arngrim 21:19, 7 July 2010 (UTC)

I'm gonna have to disagree on the 1 hour punishment thing. One innocent disconnect and you're out of the game for a whole hour? Insane. Toko the Man 15:08, 6 September 2010 (UTC)

THE SOLUTION IS SIMPLES... Make more than one PVP zone. You can have your hardcore " Grrr i hate leavers even if there internet connection breaks" zones, where leaving has harsh punishments, you can have your normal ( like gw1) mode for the average player. And for people who suspect they might be disturbed they can have hot-joinable zone. Jumblehunter 22:43, 4 December 2010 (UTC) For President.

I don't think leavers will be much of a problem in gw2. Max party size is 5, so unless you're incredibly unlikeable/lazy you will get to know some regular people to play with, keeping leavers to a minimum. Greep 23:12, 12 June 2011 (UTC)