Feedback talk:User/Talamare/Power Flux

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I think doubling the energycost of skills, even if it is a hex that can be removed easily, is a bit too much, plus elementalists would be totally screwed. Lou Wolfskin 01:46, 1 October 2009 (UTC)

Comparing to Power Leech, which can possibly be kept up half of the time like this suggestion, the energy loss is about the same for 15 energy spells, lower for 5 and 10 energy spells and higher for only the 25 energy spells. The energy isn't a problem until you get to those 25 energy skills. I don't think this would be overpowered but would definably discourage the use of higher energy spells. Rypofalem 02:03, 1 October 2009 (UTC)
Power Leech is "steal" energy too, so he loses and you gain... this suggestion might actually be too weak -Talamare- feedback 04:01, 1 October 2009 (UTC)
Well...i like the skill as it is now, can build up quite some pressure if used good..but that's just my opinion. Lou Wolfskin 22:58, 1 October 2009 (UTC)
The combination of power leak and power flux can currently completely cancel out a caster's energy regen if both skills are used optimally. Power flux has to be cast twice every 20 seconds to get -2 regen(and this can be removed since it's a hex) and Power Leak has to be cast once every 20 seconds for the equivalent of -2.75 regen. Both skills has the same energy cost so Power flux costs the user twice as much energy to maintain. The only advantage is that you get an extra interrupt occasionally (which, if you count the interrupt as another 5 energy loss for the caster, that brings power flux's effective energy regen to be -2.75, just like power leak) but that also increases the downtime of energy degen since you have to find another skill to interupt. It looks power leak might need a nerf and power flux a rework so it's energy loss is more reliable. I know that I never directly talked about the suggestion here, but I think this is relevant as to why it needs to be reworked Rypofalem 22:24, 2 October 2009 (UTC)