Feedback talk:User/TheValeyard/Mesmer: revamped function key mechanics

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Bravo, you've put a lot of thought into this, and it seems fairly well balanced too. Anet, dont disregard this just because it changes the class so much, please at the very least pay attention to the elites, you said you wanted them to be game changing elites, the mesmer lacks this. Moa bird- shouldnt be wasted on anything but countering an opponents form, or hilarity in PvE boss fights (read: The Shatterer) Mass Invisibilty: Limitless potential in well coordinated, prepared teams, aka the opposite of pairing up with people you meet randomly, which is one of your key goals right? Time Warp, fairly decent, I'll wait til I see it in game, but it looks like it will be fairly limited unless you give it a large radius, it will confine allies to within the circle if they intend to gain its benefit, hopefully you have it linger a while outside the field. The Mesmer still lacks the Damage potential that every other profession gets in at least 1 of their elites (At least 2 of them for everyone except the ranger)--Indigo121 03:06, 12 March 2012 (UTC)