Feedback talk:User/Torma/Armor Previews

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Good concept, bad idea. Or rather: Good problem, bad solution. Making it possible for everyone to wear a copy of original armor will make loose everyone's bragging right of the armor. I rather have a preview window like the dye window.(Frizz 09:19, 19 May 2010 (UTC))

Everyone can wear it but it doesn't have any stats. So if you are wearing it to play it would be the same as wearing no armour. No-one is going to do that. Something like the preview window would require more programming. Torma 09:53, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
Bragging rights are only possible in the towns and outposts though. THAT is the place where you can show off your armor. In battle it is rarely seen that people actually care what they are wearing. Hell people even take starter armors because of the lower armor or cost. And sure, such a window requires more programming, but being lazy and create something really fast which then disappoints all people who bought their obsidian armor for at least a million gold in materials and then someone pays 5 gold and they have it too, it might be a preview, but it doesn't show that way. I would maybe agree with to go as far as the outpost where the armor is sold in, but then that would leave out obsidian armor and make the system flawed and annoying to use. So I still stand by a preview window. And there already is a preview window that works so that when you dye an armor in your inventory (so not wearing it) you see the piece you wanted to dye in the preview without actually wearing it. I doubt it will be that much more effort than what you are suggesting. (Frizz 10:56, 19 May 2010 (UTC))

I concur with Frizz, the whole point of prestigious armor is for bragging rights that you have actually grudgingly went through hell to get it (which I haven't done, yet, hehe). If you want to see the armor, there are very nice screen shots of it on wiki, and I betcha' wiki will update so that the armor can be rotated 360 for us to view like many skills. Plus, clipping will happen - get use to it - unless you're a major god-like programmer that can stop it.

I suggested a similar too (Feedback:User/Previously_Unsigned/Add_armor_preview_to_Anatomical_Engineer_Llye). There could be a like system for leasing armor over a short period of time. It would have to be costly in comparison to the full price, or have a recharge time after it's done to prevent abuse. Previously Unsigned 23:56, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

How about a tonic like effect where the crafter changes your appearance for 20-30 mins while you don't zone. Though this would be more useful for crafters in explorables since I'd rather see armor with weapon sets.NachosWitCheese 07:33, 11 November 2010 (UTC)