Feedback talk:User/Undouble/scavenger hunt

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I agree, I haven't had the chance of turning in any hard apple cider just because of it. Birthday cupcakes were luckily available at the 5th year anniversary, but ofcourse those who weren't so lucky have to either buy them for WAY too much from other players or wait another year. At least make it possible to get these items from other NPC's ingame, like done with the Votive Candles. I don't mind going around the world for a birthday cupcake or hard apple cider for a scavenger hunt. But I refuse to pay 5k for something that isn't supposed to be worth that much. Honeycombs have the same thing, although i suppose you can get those already in the game. But hardapple and birthday cupcakes should get some attention. The other point you make I don't agree with though. You can vanquish it before having them walking around, and really. it's hard mode, it's not supposed to be easy, just because it's an easy area Usually, when you switch to HM I always wanted to see upgraded foes instead of simple giving them a buff of 50%(Frizz 09:26, 19 May 2010 (UTC))