Feedback talk:User/Xadus/Guild Wars 2: Open World PvP

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I doubt very much ArenaNet will ever implement a system which permits players to loot other players. It goes very much against the philosophy of game design they've embraced. I also don't see this being something championed by the majority of the Guild Wars fan base, either. I completely understand that looting other players is a staple of other games and players coming from those backgrounds would like to see something similar in GW2. But that's those other games; that's not in keeping with the spirit of Guild Wars. The Guild Wars fan base, comparatively speaking, is generally a more cooperative group than a competitive group when compared to other gaming fan bases.

That said, I think adding an open world PvP system could still work. There could be regions along each races' border in which open world PvP takes place. The in-game explanation for this is, despite increased alliances and cooperation among the various races of Tyria, some old grudges die hard. The outlying rural areas which are less heavily patrolled and far removed from the major cities still see these feuds being carried on. There would be safe paths through these border zones in which no PvP takes place so those who have no interest are free to avoid it altogether. But stray from these safe paths and a player will find themselves in an open world PvP environment. However, there will be plenty of signage warning players they are entering an open world PvP area.

Furthermore, so as not to shut off areas of the map from those who simply like to explore, there would be an option to turn off open world PvP. This can only be toggled off or on when outside an open world PvP zone so as to prevent abuse by someone who would turn it on, kill another player, and then turn it off to shield themselves from retaliation. No, the option to turn open world PvP on or off can only be done when outside this zone. It then persists in whatever state it is in once that zone is entered and can not be changed until the zone has been exited.

Consequently, there can be no Asura portals or map jumping into or out of this zone. There may be portals close to the entry points for these zones along the territorial borders, but none inside of them. This serves two functions. First, it prevents a player who has no interest in open world PvP from accidentally jumping into the zone with their "Participate in Open World PvP" toggle inadvertently turned on and coming under attack. Secondly, it prevents those who wish to engage in open world PvP from using it as a means to kill another player and then make a quick getaway through a portal to avoid being attacked in return. If someone really has their heart set on open world PvP, they're going to have to make some effort to trek to the zone set up for that activity. Once there, they're there for the duration until such time as they decide to trek back out again.

But in the end you have to ask yourself this. If open world PvP has no option to loot other players (and I can pretty much guarantee ArenaNet will never implement such a mechanic), would you still want to participate in open world PvP? Is your motivation the loot you can take off a defeated player's body or is it simply the bragging rights of having made a player kill? If your motivation is the former, then there's really no option for you in the Guild Wars universe. If it's the latter, then it could still work; but only with heavy restrictions similar to what I suggested above. Guild Wars 3 perhaps 20:33, 21 June 2012 (UTC)