Feedback talk:User/XxxTenebraexxX/Abyssal Puzzlebox (Portable Solo Dungeon)

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Wow! I really like the idea! Lol I think a twisted sort of reality would be quite fitting. I almost wonder if different maze decorations could fit different creatures. For Charr it could be some frozen wasteland, for Sylvari it could be a burning forest, for humans it could be an image of Kryta in ruins, etc. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I figured it would be fun to make it sort of like a living nightmare while still being a puzzle. Sort of like Alice in Wonderland-- that whole sort of "illogical logic" that seems to be so evident in dreams. For instance you are walking along a maze, and come to realize that the maze is not really a maze, but an open field, and as you walk along you yourself become the maze, and where you walk becomes the path of the maze. As you reach the "destination" a wall forms before you, and you realize that this entire path you were walking is now a dead end and you must retrace your steps to go back. Sort of a 'living maze', if you know what I mean. It could be multi-platformed to take advantage of jumping, have moving staircases, etc. GreatWallStr 22:24, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

Sounds like an awesome concept. Would like to see it in game. User:Sou1Co11ector

Sounds a bit like the puzzle box concept in perfect world international to me.. Similar at least. 02:29, 14 May 2010 (UTC)

Sounds a bit like the mysterious man from Runescape tbh :/

I like! The dungeon rewards at the end are a nice touch. However, I think you ought to add some ideas (fitting with the GW2 design so far) about what happens if a player is killed or wants to give up before reaching the end of a level; how do they leave? (Outright preventing them from leaving seems unlike the tenor of GW2 so far.) Also, thinking about ways this could fit into the existing lore might help it come to be. The asura are natural candidates for making something like this, or something vaguely analogous could show up in personal storylines as the "place" to which the human gods, or the missing norn spirits of the wild, have gone to/been trapped. The idea of letting the boxes be toted around sounds ridiculously fun, but perhaps technically problematic, for the same reasons having too many players in an area can become problematic. Cube pyramids, anyone? Castles built of cubes? I would if I could.