Guild:Kittens With Claws/Tech War

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Tech War [Purr]
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Main Character Male Warrior


Tech began as a strong-willed young man from a northern province of a continent other than that of Kryta. His parents killed in a raid by hideous creatures that attacked at night. Nothing but monstrous silhouettes could be seen attacking his village. Tech found his way into the forest while his father fended the creatures off. He ran, as instructed. He looked back from a hill in the woods only to see his mother and father back to back, father wielding a sword, his mother two short twin blades, encircled by the monstrous shadows. The velvet shadows moved as one and lunged but without contact as his parents broke into graceful dances of the blades rendering the creatures' attacks irrelevant. Their fluid dance of death brought many a swift end to a large number of the creatures, but as main fact in combat, sheer numbers soon overwhelmed them. Tech turned and ran with the lingering cries of his parents telling him to flee. Alone and hungry in the woods, Tech's hunger was ever weakening him. He tried to trap food as his father had shown him, but to no avail. After walking for days, redefining the definition of lost, he collapsed out of exhaustion and weakness. He awoke in strange surroundings. He looked around taking in what he saw. To be honest, it wasn't much. A small square cabin with wooden furniture and two windows. There was a few maps that looked as ancient as his grandmother hanging on the walls. Then his eyes fell on something that he was not yet ready to see again; a madman's attempt to depict one of the creatures that had stolen away the life of his parents. Mostly scribbles of charcoal with sharp edges emerging from the cloak of shadow it clearly was meant to represent the demonic creatures. To anyone who had not had lived this nightmare it would seem just that, a nightmare. Tech however had seen these creatures, and what they were capable of. It was then that Tech noticed a man, hooded and cloaked, that was sitting by the fire with a stern look to his face. He immediately asked a question, "Do you fear death?" Tech had no idea how to respond to this as he was only twelve. Unsatisfied with a lack of response the man rose and left the cabin. Tech once again closed his eyes and passed out of time and space. Tech awoke again to see the man sitting by the fire. The same cold, stern look hung on his face like a veil shielding his current state from prying eyes. This time Tech spoke, "Who are you?"

"A valid question," The man replied in a voice that demanded fear or respect or maybe both, "You may call me Allen. There is stew over the fire." The man rose and left the cabin. Tech helped himself to the stew not caring about poison or quality as it was the first thing that he had eaten in days. After gorging himself on the stew that was actually quite well made, He once again drifted off to a restless sleep haunted by treacherous shadows. He awoke to Allen once again sitting by the fire staring intently into the flames. After a moment he rose, and once again left, leaving Tech alone in the cabin. Tech, not having the faintest idea of who this man is or what his intentions are decided that he had recovered enough to make for the neighbouring village. He waited until the next morning after the man, Allen, had left at his normal time. Tech got up, gathered his belongings such as they were and tried to open the door. It was locked! Suddenly this Allen's intentions became quite clear in the short term. Tech tried the windows with no luck. When Allen returned he found Tech sitting on his cot staring him in the eye. Allen took his place by the fire to make more stew. Tech once again ate, and then slept. He awoke as Allen was leaving this time but remained still. He saw Allen unlock the door with a key which he took from his belt. At the time that Allen usually returned Tech positioned himself near the door. As the door opened Tech reached for the key that Allen held loosely in his hand. Allen, with an amused look, merely sidestepped out of Tech's reach and took his place by the fire. The regular evening rituals happened in order from the stew to Allen leaving. The next morning, as Allen returned, Tech had hidden off to the side of the door realizing that if he wanted out of this cabin, mere slight of hand was not going to be enough. As Allen entered the cabin Tech charged him. Allen stood there, motionless, as Tech ran directly at him.


Style is but a question of personality. For the personality of the soul behind the blade will determine that with which he strikes.

Fear to Anger. Hope to Grief. Courage to Power. Charisma to Betrayal. Trust to Self-Doubt. Love to Hate.

What you choose to place behind your blade determines your style be it graceful or a flourish of anger-filled illplanned strikes.

Friends to Allies. Honour to Trust. Sadness to Hope.

Personal Philosophy

I follow that which has been said,

"I wish the ring had never come to me, I wish none of this had happened."

"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to us."

~Frodo Baggins and Gandalf, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.


Tech War had once been allied loyally to Scottish guild of great pride and leadership. There were many members and leaders all fighting for the same cause. The destruction of the Luxons amongst the other enemies of the land. At a time there was a great treachery in the ranks as a rival guild had sent a spy in amongst Tech and his allies. On stolen trust this spy rose to power and destroyed the guild with no one to stop him. Broken, the guild members went their separate ways. Tech over his years as a warrior had moved from guild to guild, seeing small ones rise to power and influence as well as great ones fall from such fame, but none as strong as that which had come before. As referenced above in his past there was a great length of time when he disappeared from the battle field. His friends beckoned his name, yet no one came to answer the call. For months, nothing. Only whispers of a sword wielding warrior whom hailed from the land of Elona. He finally returned to the field of battle from the shadows of animosity. Only to find his friends gone, moved on to other lands, other quests. He was alone. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, still nothing. He roamed the lands of Elona, Cantha, Kryta, and the new found lands of the North trying to find purpose once again. Fighting guildless in a land of banners calling for soldiers. However one day as he journeyed through Lion's Arch en route to yet another task in which he hoped to find purpose, he stopped and attempted to engage in trade to empty his coffers as they were filling with irrelevant items that did not pertain to his strength focused abilities. A few padfoot's thought to get the better of him, which he readily dismissed. But one adventurer paid fair and was courteous in the arrangement, Aurrora Moon, a mesmer. Small talk of the day began after the transaction was complete, Tech wanting to march on to find purpose, stayed his feet. Talk of the troubled lands of the North began which was followed by the horrors of tormentation that the peoples of Vabbi and Elona were facing. As the conversation was coming to close, Aurrora offered him a position in her guild. Tech, weary from searching, shortlisted of allies, finally found a purpose once more. In Kittens With Claws.

Other information

E This guild speaks English.
PvE This user enjoys PvE.
W This user is a Warrior.
HA Heroic Adventures.