Guild:Order Of Collateral Damage/Code Of Conduct

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This document will detail the guidelines that all OCD members are expected to understand and enforce. The key here for everyone is to have fun, but without some rules in place, we would be unable to maintain a clean and fun atmosphere. Violations of the Code are subject to disciplinary action.

OCD Guild Members

  • Member and Officer Conduct - Forums, In-Game Chat, and Voice Chat

All OCD guild members are expected to treat others as they wish to be treated. If a guild member is being abusive, discriminating or participating in conduct unbecoming of a representative of OCD, please report the offense in question to your Guild Officers. This guild will not tolerate flaming, discrimination based on sex, politics, religion, racism, or excessive use of foul language. If the member is an Officer of the guild then report it to the Guild Leader. We are all adults here, and we need to act accordingly.

  • Exploitation

Exploitation of guild members or other in-game players is not permitted. We are an open guild who welcomes the opportunity to help out its own members and the Guild Wars community. It is an acceptable practice to ask for donations for services rendered.

  • Cheats and Hacks

The use of cheats, hacks, or 3rd Party programs not sanctioned by ANET is not permitted. If you are found to be in violation of this you will be reported to Guild Wars support and removed from the guild and all its assets without notification.

  • Login Status

All members, including Officers of the guild, who go inactive from the game for more than a period of 60 days, may be removed from the guild without notice. A written communication must be provided to the Officers of the Guild for an exemption to be granted. (In layman's terms: give us a heads-up so we know you didn't fall off the face of the earth.)

  • Guild Hopping

Members who leave the guild and wish to rejoin OCD must pay 1000GP to return. The Officer who readmits a member shall collect the readmission fee, and then turn it over to the Guild Leader. This gold will be placed in the guild treasury to cover future recruitment fees.

  • Participation

All guild members are encouraged to take an active participation within the guild. This includes in-game and website participation. If you like to solo PVE, then you are welcomed to do so, but we like to hear from our members, so please don't be antisocial.

  • Helping Others

All OCD members are encouraged to help other guild members and in-game players whenever possible.

  • Group Play

When playing as a group, regardless of the circumstances of how that group was formed, if the intended objective has changed during the course of a mission, then team members should decide amongst themselves as a team to continue on with the mission or dump it. Please try to weigh in the most benefit for all the team members and not let it be dominated by one person. If a member wishes to leave, they may do so as long as they clearly state their intentions.

  • Obtaining Information

The Guildwiki ( is a primary source of information about Guild Wars. If you are in a circumstance where it is substantially inconvenient to use the wiki and are hopeful of a quick answer from a knowledgeable guild source, then by all means ask. If you don’t get an answer from the guild, it means no one can answer. Wait a while before asking again. If you are told to use the wiki, don't whine about having to use it, unless there is a severe problem with it, or if the information is incomplete or ambiguous.

  • Begging

Do not ask for items (materials, money, weapons, etc) that you are not prepared to purchase. We like to help our members, but we’re not just going to hand them everything on a silver platter. Do offer to give away items if you can afford it.

  • Harassment

Harassment, such as Baiting, Flaming, or Trolling will not be tolerated. Do not bait, flame, or troll other guild or alliance members. Baiting and trolling is disrespectful to others and, ultimately, disruptive to the overall guild health. [Baiting] [Trolling] [Flaming]

OCD Guild Officers

  • Officers within the Guild are expected to uphold the Codes of the guild at all times. They must represent the best in OCD when in public and lead by example for all other guild members to follow. All Officers report directly to the Guild Leader.
  • Officers must take an active role in the position they support within the guild. Officers who fail to contribute will be demoted to regular member status and a new Officer will be elected.
  • Officers should be helpful to guild members and be willing to assist whenever possible. Officers should also take time help instruct newer members on proper game play within the guild.
  • When assisting lower level members on a mission, Officers should allow the members to actually do the bulk of the mission and lead it as well. Officers should take a back seat on these types of missions, even if it results in the death of the player. This is the only way you can actually learn how to play the game as intended instead of someone doing all the work for you.

Note on Survivors: This does not mean that you should casually allow Survivor hopefuls to party-wipe or die, but they should definitely earn their keep and contribute to party success. We are there to help and to educate, not to carry them through the game for a Title.

  • Officers should take immediate action when a member is in violation of the Code Of Conduct. A verbal or written warning can be issued to the member at the Officer's discretion. All violations should be reported to Order of Collateral Damage Council.

OCD Guild Officers Election Process

  • A member who wishes to be an Officer of the guild may only apply when a position is available. Once a position is available, a posting will go out for members to apply.
  • Members must have been with the guild for a minimum of 90 days to be eligible for an Officer Role. Exceptions to the 90-Day obligation can be made at the Guild Officers’ discretion.
  • Once a member has applied for an Officer Role, an email will be sent to the Officers notifying them of the application. If it is determined that the member is not in good standing with the guild, then that application will be revoked.
  • If more than one member is applying for an open position and they are both in good standing, the vote will be determined on the results of the Officers’ Polls.
  • Once applicants have been selected for open positions, the Officers shall discuss and vote on each applicant. The Guild Leader has final authority on Officer promotion decisions, and can override Officer votes at his/her discretion.
  • All new Officers will undergo a 30-day probation period.

Disciplinary Actions

  • Warning: A warning may be issued to a member if that member is found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct before an Offense is registered, at the Officer’s discretion. If a Warning is issued, the Officer will attempt to resolve the issue by discussing it with that member and directing them to the Code of Conduct to make sure that the member is familiar with the Code. The Officer will also post a notice of the warning in the Officers forums for further review.
  • First Offense: Members who violate the conduct code will receive a strike on their record. The Officer will also post the offense in the Officers forums for further review.
  • Second Offense: Members who have received a first offense and continue to violate the conduct code will receive a second strike on their record. The Officer will also post the offense in the Officers forums for further review.
  • Third Offense: Members who have received a second offense and continue to violate the conduct code will be removed from the guild, website and TS server. Member will not be re-invited back into the guild.

Guild and Alliance CHAT Guidelines

  • Please do not SPAM the Alliance channel. That channel should be reserved for chats aimed at groups of members not yet teamed, or general discussion and announcements specifically related to the game.
  • DO use Team chat if teamed.
  • DO use whispers to talk to a specific member.
  • YOU REPRESENT YOUR GUILD! In your dealings with other Guild and Alliance members, remember to be fair, courteous, and always take the high ground.
  • Remember, members may not be able to respond right away. They may be chatting with someone, fighting, away from their keyboard, etc. Try to get their attention with a WHISPER and then wait at least a few minutes before trying again. Don't repeatedly may cause them to become distracted and lose a mission etc.
  • DO use the online status functions if you know you will be tied up for a while. This will help avoid confusion. They are accessed through the friends list menu - hit "N" to bring it up. "Away" and "Busy" are the best choices. People can still message you, but they will be automatically informed that you may not reply.
  • Keep cursing to a minimum. We don’t mind occasional cursing, but we will not tolerate excessive bad behavior in public channels. OCD Officers are the arbiters of what qualifies as “bad behavior” – if you have to ask if something would qualify, then you probably should think twice before doing it.
  • If members of an allied guild are becoming obnoxious or offensive, please take screenshots and report the incident to the OCD Officers and/or Guild Leader as soon as possible, and we will deal with the situation as appropriate.