King Frost's Wintersday ~ Seasons End
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This page is about a particular player-run or community-hosted event.
The contents of this page are player-managed and do not represent official Guild Wars lore or canon. |
The event background and introduction[edit]
It all started in the early days of Guild Wars (2005), when Wintersday floated in to the eager and unknowing gamers screens, when players openly marveled at how pretty the ruined Ascalon looked, when a NPC stated "This snow will at least keep the Charr back for a while," when players came together proudly wearing there Yule Caps and simply enjoyed each others company, when players that have become jaded still had simple fun doing things for the first time. That was when I first found the joy that the community could gift me when they reacted to my simple 100 gold give outs, not in-game presents but kind words. Gradually, I started to make more and more friends, all who where like-minded in helping the community have fun and remind them that not everyone is out to beat them, and so with this idea in mind I formed many small events to cater for my love of making people happy, especially at holidays. It really hit off when Wintersday '06 arrived, I was ready. I came to Lion's Arch Europe English 1, I always remember it, a few at first but as the days progressed more and more until I had a district waiting for me each night. It is only a game but on those nights I knew what I wanted to do with a good portion of my time playing Guild Wars, and so Daniel Frozenwind started to change from my main, to a snowman guise and with my virtual character I flourished. A year passed and things went well, each event was surpassing each other, but then came a point where I had to make a choice, it is my belief I have inspired a good number of people to make there own events and expand on what I have tried to do, but everyone needs to start somewhere right? That’s why I have put over 15 months of planning into this one grand event, and then I shall bow out and help the community from the background, helping a budding event maker here, giving tips there and actually playing the game. Frozenwind will have his finest hour this Wintersday for it is a special year for me in real life, and in-game.The theme of this event as always is to bring the community together at Wintersday. There is no business, like snow business.
The People to watch out for.[edit]
Envoy Daniel Frozenwind[edit]
Brief Lore
by the Teller of Tales
Mouvelian calender - 876 AE - 1076 AE
Year by year, Daniel succumbs more and more to the winter form curse, slowly turning into a facet of ice, such is the legacy of the Lady Drakkar and King Jack Lanthorn. It is rumoured he found solace in the lair of the snowmen, where he resigned himself to his icy fate and prayed to the Gods one last time. In the faded Dwarven runes from the journal of King Hundar, it speaks that Grenth first visited this barely human man, and bid him welcome into the icy depths of the Underworld, where the Ice King awaited him. Clasping his arms (therefore solidifying them to ice) he began to draw his essence into the Underworld. If not for the timely arrival of a well placed snowball, Daniel would be no more. Overcome with sheer dumbfounded amazement, he witnessed a certain feminine elf casually saying to the Lord of Death and Ice, "Why your Godship, it seems you have a snowball on your head!"
Grenth cursed him for his fathers crimes and for resisting death, thus making him an Envoy. It would seem that Frozenwind did not fully come under Grenth's power, due to the intervention of the mysterious elf. It is known that every Envoy bears the mark of that which killed them, the ice had put Daniel at the brink, but had not killed him. It was then that Dwayna blessed him, and he became a Snowman.
Envoys are shepherds of the souls of the dead, but unlike them, Envoy Frozenwind is a shepherd of the holiday spirit. As an Envoy will appear to a newly departed soul, Envoy Frozenwind appears when festivities are on the air. His tasks on Wintersday are numerous, but the main ones are to summon the Wintersday creatures Elf and Grench alike to Tyria, remind people of what makes Wintersday and try to sway the balance in favour of Dwayna.
Frozenwind has taken up this mantle at Wintersday since before the war between Kryta and Ascalon, there are records of his original name in an ancient Ascalon census dating back to the time of the founding of Nolani, suggesting that he was once a Flaming Scepter Mage. The last known residence of this oddity of Ascalonain origin was in a tower in an area known simply as "Wizards Folly".
Just when you think you know me, the season's already changing.
No business, like snow business
Why in Grenth's beard are you staring at me like that?
Freezie the snowman?, pah!
I'll drink anything but Firewater!
It gives me the chills!
I used fire once, until the snow put it out.
Kilroy? More like Frosty!
To build or not to build, you want a snowman?
Mad King Thorn told me a joke once..DIE!
Leave me for a moment, and I will watch you grow old
That's a 24 karat cold!
Candysmith Santa[edit]
Said to be the most skilled craftsmen of candy cane weapons and toys, he is but a myth to the common folk. Although those who fight the hardest may yet be visited by the master craftsmen. His job at Wintersday is to be the supreme judge of the Snowball fighting (where do you think those shards come from eh?) and to create the Winter-sleigh using the very best magics and power from Balthazar, with this sleigh he is able to transport the candysmiths or "young un's" as he likes to call them to the populated parts of Tyria. This also functions as a carrier to supply the materials for candy canes to be available to the masses. He also has a particular liking to elves.
Back in the day when I was a..zzzzz
Here little elf, SIT!
By Balthazar's Oven!
Candy Canes away!
Nice hat..HEY thats where Rudi went!
The Wintersday Elf and Grentchus Magnus[edit]
This elusive creature has never been seen before but is said to be the Chief of the Elves, only time will tell if it will turn up this Wintersday.
Unlike The Wintersday Elf, Grentchus Magnus is bane to all Dwayna supporters. If you see him cavorting about be sure to bind him to the nearest tree.
The festivals of Past, Present and Future.[edit]
Day 1 - Lion's Arch 28TH[International District 1]
Elf fest - ???? - ???? - ????
Day 2 - Kamadan, Jewel of Istan 29TH[International District 1]
Day 3 - Eye of the North 30TH[International District 1 and 2]
The 12 Days of Wintersday[edit]
Bladeradio will be helping the King of the Snowmen this year, with their CJ's (Carol Jockey's)and gifting listeners with many rare items and a stash of:
- 250 ecto
- A computer
- Or a FoW set
Jingle Jangle all the way!
The Key Activities[edit]
Build a Snowman Scavanger Hunt
More details soon
Elf Fest
Elves Elves EVERYWHERE, coming out of the presents, out of the portals, even out of tonics! Be sure to join this years Elf Festival for seasonal merriment and mass syncs!.
Costume Competition
With funding from Bladeradio you're sure to get the just reward your costume rightly deserves. Make sure it is winter-themed and original!
The Abominable Abomination
Legendary tales between the Norn speak of a mighty winter beast, there are many variations to what the Abominable Abomination is, maybe a Norn bear to far gone, or a demon from the bottomless hole, only time will tell as brave hero's search and bring in reports of mighty tracks...
The winter restaurant
The name gives it away, care to try the best foods from all over Tyria? The restaurant opens up to give everyone a free three course meal on each day (look for the chef with the white jesters hat on)
In-game Stencil Art Competition
Snow Business & March of 1,000 snowmen
The Eye of the North fills up with players in a Snowman guise, followed by a heavy seasoning of Snowman Summoners.
Santa's Grotto
Candysmith Santa arrives at the Snowball Arena [International 1] to share many presents with those that have come for a visit to the sacred arena.
Lord's Favour
Impress the hosts of the event with kind deeds, words or team work to earn yourself a Lord Glacius Staff (signed upon request) 50 have been gathered, by the North Tyrian Guild [NdoW]
The Grand Battle of Seasons End
At the end of the event there is hopefully going to be two huge battle lines, the Dwayna side defending, with Elves, Snowmen, and Yetis; while the Grenth side will consist of Grenchies, Candy Corns, and Phantasmal Wardens. When the order is given, the sides will clash and in doing so be recorded by a film maker.
The Activities[edit]
More details soon
Frozenwind Need's you![edit]
-Do you wish the community to be a happy place this Wintersday?
-Something you don't want could make someone else very happy!
-Donate if you wish, but donate your community spirit this Wintersday!
-To the many donators we have already had the pleasure of meeting THANK YOU.
How to get in contact & player feedback.[edit]
It's always welcome, in fact it helps us to make your event more enjoyable, have any questions, ideas:
PM Daniel Frozenwind. In-game.
PM BladeWind on
Guildwarsguru thread-
Or here on the wiki Frozenwind