Talk:Beautiful Pendant

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-The chest that this pendant is in, I haven't seen it where it should be the past few months. Did they remove it? :/---SickAnarchist 22:42, 25 September 2010 (UTC)

-Well as of 6-13-10 It shows back up. :D---SickAnarchist 22:42, 25 September 2010 (UTC)

Chest Appearances[edit]

I had the same issue where the chest wasn't appearing - instead a "Hidden Stash" showed up in the place of the "Chest".

At the time I had the secondary quest, "Charr at the Gate", open with Prince Rurik nearby as an ally - so that may have affected the appearance of the chest. Once I finished the above quest and got my second profession, I had the primary quest, "Path to Glory" highlighted (instead of "Gift for Althea") and lo-and-behold, there was the chest.


  • You can't do the quest while you have "Charr at the Gate" open
  • Chest will not appear when you have "Gift for Althea" open
  • Must have obtained secondary profession

I don't currently have a second pre-searing character to test the above theories out, but if anyone does, please feel free to share.

Cheers =) --Alisana 19:53, 13 January 2011 (UTC)

I had the same problem; the chest was not appearing for me. Once I did "Charr at the Gate" the chest appeared. I had "Gift for Althea" open and did NOT have a secondary profession yet, so I surmise that the quest "Charr at the Gate" prevents the chest from spawning. (Zimmleanna 21:24, 2 May 2012 (UTC))

Is there a map image showing the exact location of this chest?[edit]

I can't seem to find it. Does the Beautiful Pendant spawn in the same location where the Ashford Strongbox (from the Bandit Raid quest) spawns?

No, it's in the pass connecting that farm area to the upper part near Althea's stage. The strongbox is right at the edge of the field, the pendant is north in the pass. -Auron 16:32, 6 March 2014 (UTC)