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Whoah, app not att for all spells! Bad-ass! How come these things arent more popular? |NalanaUser Nalana Darkling santa.jpgDarkling| 01:23, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

Eh? It's only for Inspiration... O.o Arshay Duskbrow 02:15, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

Note on Replication is Incorrect[edit]

The "Replica" section of this article is incorrect: there is a collector's staff from Artor Bobani Kiroz which is q9 dom and HCT/20 insp. By obtaining the collector staff and adding a perfect Insightful Staff Head (en+5) and a perfect Staff Wrap of Fortitude (hp+30), you can replicated this staff except for the skin. ZeeWabbit