Talk:Harvest Soulreign

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Capping SS[edit]

In regards to any question of the ability to cap SS from this boss I have copied my post from the SS talk page. "Although the mission does end after killing Soulreign regardless if the other boss is alive it is still possible, albeit hard, to capture SS from him if you kill the Warrior Boss first and then cast Cap sig 2 seconds before Soulreign dies you can then if your timing was right the Soulreign's skills will be available to cap but you only have like half a second to choose SS and click capture. I know it is probably more trouble than it is worth but it is possible, just did it on my new necro tried to get Screen Cap but there wasn't enough time." Monk Texas Ranger 08:21, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

Just capped it, that was a good tip. Just as get soulreign down to about half way hopefully the he should die as the cap sig ends casting. Have finger on button for capture sig and mouse mouse into place for capturing the skill.--Smithyben 22:30, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Very interesting, before he was dead I coulnt ude the signet, and the second he died i got ported back to town, impossible to cap it. -- 06:50, 17 November 2009 (UTC)
The sig should work, because the warrior should be nearby - I think thats what they are saying.Tong2 03:24, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Easy capture of SS[edit]

- Sort your Skills by 'Elite Status'. This will make it easier to select SS. - Kill Griefgiver first. You need him to begin casting the signet. - Kill Soulreign. When he has two seconds of life left (better to be under than over), cast the signet. - QUICKLY select Spiteful Spirit. If you have enough time before the cutscene, capture it. - If the cutscene plays before you capture the skill, keep your mouse cursor over the capture button and click the spot rapidly when the cutscene ends. There is a brief moment where it returns you to the game before exiting the quest.