Talk:Heavy Blow
Knockdowns suck. Raptaz 13:55, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
- lol. --
Mafaraxas 05:07, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
Do they fail at using this skill? Samcobra 12:58, 7 May 2008 (UTC)
- they do, they do :D i made my hero have this skill along with Devastating Hammer+Crushing blow, used heavy blow insetead of Devastating hammer :D
--Blahishness 16:00, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
Not a Bad Skill[edit]
Whoever thinks this sucks is wrong. I can spike pretty well with this skill, actually. First, I use Devastating Hammer and then follow up with Crushing Blow, and if I can (which I usually can), Aftershock. This creates a pretty good spike. Then they get up and usually try running away, since they're at half health if they're a Warrior or a Ranger, and at 1/4 health if they are a spellcaster. Then I can follow up with this skill to prevent that, then pop on my IAS (usually berserker stance, because 7 adrenaline can take up a while to charge up, and by the time I spiked it has usually recharged) since I have no other skill to use. Then they get up (if they're not dead, and if they're not they're usually very low) and Heavy Blow will have recharged again. Weakness will be flashing (unless removed by a monk), but that's just enough time to use this skill again (BTW, I'll have enough adrenaline thanks to Berserker Stance), and I'll use Crushing Blow if their deep wound has expired, or Aftershock if it hasn't. Bisurge 18:41, 13 July 2008 (UTC)
Cleanup a bit[edit]
The anomaly note is hard to understand, cleaned it up the best I could. Wisteria 05:56, 8 September 2008 (UTC)