Talk:Hundred Blades/Skill history

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You guys kinda forgot the period in which this skill was like Triple Chop, in which this did (if i recall right) "Attack all foes Adjacent to you" Deadfalk 15:47, 8 September 2010 (UTC)

Skill History accuracy?[edit]

There had been three update listings describing undocumented changes to this skill. I've been unsuccessful so far into finding solid sources for each one so, with some reluctance, I have decided to withhold them from the page. I must also bring up the issue that the Official Game Guide released during the launch of Prophecies lists this skill under No attribute, though this Wiki, as well as Guild Wiki, both attribute it to Swordsmanship. For the sake of a temporary - and current - solution, I have edited the page to as it is. Any insight and help into these issues would be appreciated. -- Azasuke1988 22:41, 12 November 2011 (UTC)