Template:Bounty detailbox

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File:Bounty detailbox.jpg


Typical usage:

{{Bounty detailbox 
| sunspear or lightbringer, depending on which points you obtain from this bounty 
| hm or nm so the template either shows the text for normal or hard mode 
| sunspear or lightbringer points earned per enemy. See example for details.  
| Type of enemy that has to be slain (for example: corsair) 
| Only needed if second argument is hm. In this case this argument is the number of points you gain for a slain boss

Please note: You should never use line breaks for this template like I did above. This was just for easy reading. For a real example please look below!


Let's take the Elemental Hunt for example. In normal mode you gain minimum 1 but maximum 2 lightbringer points per slain enemy. So your normal mode-template would look like this:

{{Bounty detailbox | lightbringer | nm | 1..2 | Elemental }}

Let's take the same scenario for the hardmode. You have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 lightbringer points per slain enemy. Regardless of where you are you always get a maximum of 150 points per slain boss. So your hard mode-template would like like this:

{{Bounty detailbox | lightbringer | hm | 4..6 | Elemental | 150 }}

Finally, we take the Giant Hunt in hardmode. Here, regardless of region you always gain 8 Sunspear points per enemy and either 100 or 200 points per slain boss. So here's your template:

{{Bounty detailbox | sunspear | hm | 8 | Giant | 100..200 }}