Template:Otheruses 2

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Disambig icon.png For other uses, see Otheruses 2 (disambiguation).


Use this as a general disambiguation alternative to {{Otheruses}}.

Code Results in... When to use
{{Otheruses 2}}
Disambig icon.png For other uses, see Otheruses 2 (disambiguation).

From a primary article to a disambiguation, when you want, for other uses
{{Otheruses 2|Primary topic}}
Disambig icon.png This page is about Primary topic. For other uses, see Otheruses 2 (disambiguation).

From a primary article to a disambiguation, when you want to define the purpose of the primary article.
{{Otheruses 2|Primary usage|Other usage}}
Disambig icon.png This page is about Primary usage. For Other usage, see Otheruses 2 (disambiguation).

Same as above, when you want to define the purpose of the current and the disambiguation pages.
{{Otheruses 2||Other page}}
Disambig icon.png For Other page, see Otheruses 2 (disambiguation).

Leave out the first parameter when you only want to definite the usage of the disambiguation page.
{{Otheruses 2|Usage|Other use|Other article}}
Disambig icon.png This page is about Usage. For Other use, see OtherArticle.

For two articles with comparable importance. (Can use {{otheruses}} to achieve same effect.)
{{Otheruses 2|Usage|Other use|OtherArticle|Disambig}}
Disambig icon.png This page is about Usage. For Other use, see OtherArticle. For Disambiguation, see Otheruses 2 (disambiguation).

For two articles with comparable importance and several other articles. (Same as using {{otheruses}} plus a second template.)
{{Otheruses 2|Usage|Other use|OtherArticle|Third use|ThirdArticle}}
Disambig icon.png This page is about Usage. For Other use, see OtherArticle. For Third use, see ThirdArticle.

When there are three comparable articles (Equivalent to using {{otheruses}} twice.)
The template code was copied from Template:About at Wikipedia; the usage notes are original to GWW.