Template:The Scribe

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This template has been designed to format The Scribe periodicals in the style of the discontinued Guild Wars site.


Text - enter formatted walls of text here.
Number of pattern tiles. (1 to 64) The number of tiles on the left will match the right.


{{The Scribe
| 1 =
;June 8, 2006
<br><big>'''Luxons Earn Much-Needed Victories to Halt the Kurzicks' Push Toward Cavalon'''</big></center>
The war between the Luxons and Kurzicks wages on, and neither side has much to show for it.

The tables have turned, and now it is the Luxons caught unprepared.
<big>'''The Crusaders Praised Throughout Cavalon for their Escorting Service to "The Deep"'''</big></center>
Ending months of previously restricted access to The Deep—a lightly explored area of the Jade Sea.
 | images = 7