Andrew's Page[edit]
Hey guys im andr3w i like to go by that if you need any questions just ask.I'm a good player and experienced player i have played with 3 different proffession and have done really well to. If you are new and in nightfall dont buy the first set of armor at kamadan buy it at Jokanur diggings.You save more money thats what i do thats just a little tip and make sure you do all the quest and mission's and in harde mode.I try to get as many titles as i can so i can have cool title names and titl name choices.You should focus on weapons, items,and armor because you never know how strong your gonna get with everthing you might be the most best player in the U.S. but to tell you im not really the bst but im getting there.And if your on factions and finish your proffession quest from master togo grab all the quest and do them alll at the same time it cut my game playing time in 30min to 15min trust me it works.
THINGS ABOUT ME: im so excited that guild wars the eye of the north comes out
i am 17 i like playing the guitar i am the guildleader of:The Seventh Coming Of The Gods[VII]:
leader:cyphriux the seraph
officers:me one, flaming elite angel,konane mesa,.....
i have played this game for 4 months
this is stygian overlord
lvl: 20favorite scythes the tormented scythe
weapon: tormented scythe
titles:seeker of wisdom , sunspear castellan , legendary vanquisher,hero of kurzicks,grand master treasure hunter.
Abyss knight zenith
lvl:20 weapon: sword crystalline
shield: tormented shield
titles:spearmarshal, holy lightbringer ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Obsidian Of Flames
weapons:exuro's will
titles: lucky ,unlucky,spearmarshal