User:Aenima Insignia

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  • With the amazing success of the guild AENIMA INSIGNIA (AI),all thats left to do

is to serve the loyal subjects of the guild wars universe. You see,Aenima Insignia is different from other guilds,whats different you ask?


  • 1.You can approach the head guild member if you need help in a quest,or want an item/someone killed,from there all you have to do is pay a small fee,and wait for the arrival of news that the person was murded,or for the arrival of the desired item...
  • 2.To do this all you need to do is pay the money upfront if you want someone killed,(or pay when the desired item arrives),give all information needed to complete the task,and lye around on the beach or go shopping whilst we carry out the task.
  • 3.We have a great team of only the best subjects used to complete your job,so that no scams

and successful completion of the task is ensured.

  • 4.And last but not least,anyone who's character is greatly skilled in the desired profession will be accepted as a member in the guild,so join now!!!
  • To join or for more information,click on the link below:

'''Official Aenima Insignia WebPage'''

--Aenima Insignia 08:47, 23 September 2007 (UTC)