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About Marcus

Marcus was in the Ascalon Vanguard, but now works as a mercernary. He can be quite clusmy at times, not knowing his own strength. Well let's just call him an oaf. His brute force covers up his illiteracy though. Marcus didn't grow up in Ascalon, he grew up with the Dwarves and the Norn within the walls of Maladar's Fort. His father was an Tyrian Mercant and his mother was Norn Hunter. His father always mated with a Canthan Prostitute, creating two sisters he is proud to have. His hatred for his father inspired him to become a warrior for justice.

Marcus is in a passive love triangle with Damorian Ferrao and Anita Lace. His curious tendencies lead him off to cheat on his wife Anita, when she found out the three of them made a pact.

Marcus's Stats


  • June 21st
  • Maladar's Fort, Borlis Pass, Tyria
  • Mercenary
  • 30
Theme Song
  • Deathblow by Deftones

User Alyx 3.jpg



  • Ancient

Icy Dragon Sword.pngEaglecrest Axe.png Voltaic Spear.pngColossal Pick.png Guardian of the Hunt.png