User:Anja Astor/Lists/Treasure

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Location Anja Cheetah Mii Mynta Nikita Magi Himla Tally Omi
Issnur Isles - - - - - - - - -
Mehtani Keys - - - - - - - - -
Arkjok Ward 6309 - 6309 - 6144 - - - -
Bahdok Caverns - - 6309 - - - - - -
Jahai Bluffs 6309 - 5794 - 6144 - - - -
Forum Highlands 6323 - 6309 - - - - - -
Hidden City 6309 - 6309 6230 - - - - -
The Mirror of Lyss 6323 - 6309 - 6141 - - - -
The Desolation
The Ruptured Heart - - - 6238 - - - - -
The Sulfurous Wastes - - - 6238 - - - - -
Realm of Torment
Domain of Pain - - - 6238 - - - - -
Nightfallen Jahai 6290 - - 6238 - - - 6009 -
Notes: {{Datediff|date}}, days since last opening. Star (*) notes checked but no treasure recieved.
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