Hi! My name is Bowjeera, of course this is my online alias so it's not my real name. My favorite class is the Assassin, because they do high damage and it takes a little more skill than other professions to get it started in PvE. My favorite playing mode is PvE, but that doesn't mean I'm a noob in PvP. My three main characters are Bowjeera Stab U (Assassin), Bowie Hit U (Ranger), and Ice Scythebreaker (Dervish).
My guild I'm currently in consists of six people, my brother, my step-brother, my step-brother's half brother, my step-brother's half-brother's friend, my step-brother's cousin, and finally my best friend. My guild is very small and everytime we invite somebody the average loyalty time is...1 week.
My favorite town so far is Shing Jea, because I find it to be more social than other towns.
My goal so far is to get a rainbow phoenix for Bowie Hit U- current progress, 0 max titles *sob