User:Clockwork Pixie

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Just Like Clockwork

You hear the sound of gears firing up as the pixies glassy eyes come alight with magical light.
"Hello, what are you doing here? I don't get many visitors in this dusty old hole."
You start, a mite shocked at being addressed by something down here in the archives. You splutter out a clumsy retort.
"What do you mean what am I doing here? I asked you first! Well, lots! There is plenty of work to be done!"
Confused you ask why this mechanisation has decided to work here.
"Well, I thought I sensed a chance for mischief"
You hear the slide of brass plates as the serene face cracks into an impish smile. With a whirring clank the ruby wings click to life. A buzzing fills your ears as the strange creature that was before you flits up into the air thin whisks off behind your head, no doubt busy in it's work.

User Mafaraxas Horse 40.png This user enjoys the soft touch of Misery's bare foot.