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HardModeVanquishedIcon.jpgHard Mode tips, tricks and guides (by Devos50) (If I vanquish an area again, I try to add it immediately)

Elona vanquish[edit]

Plains of Jarin[edit]

Not hard, after all, it's the first area you visit in Nightfall. It has to be a warm-up for the others doesn't it ;)? I took Sab's build with me, the 3 Necro's. I thought that the Elementalist boss was very hard but it wasn't a challenge. I pulled the both plant creatures apart. I took Pain Inverter, which was very handy and helped to kill the (Ele) boss faster. Almost one wipe, when we had a very bad spawn of some Mandragors, but we survived with a lot of DP. Nevertheless, it was very easy! Tip: It is possible to have more than four people when vanquishing this area if you complete the Venta Cemetery mission immediately before coming to vanquish this area - any henchmen you have in your group that are not normally available in Kamadan will be removed from your group when you finish the Venta Cemetery mission. Heroes and other players will not be de-partied. Tip: Use Pain Inverter on the Ele boss.

Cliffs of Dohjok[edit]

Easy despite 2 monk bosses. I started from Blacktide Den so I could take 8 people with me. There aren't many mobs and non pop-ups. The monk bosses itself aren't very hard: just nuke then down. I took Sab's build with me and Pain Inverter. I never needed Pain Inverter. The corsair mobs shouldn't be a problem. Tip: start from Blacktide Den.

Fahranur, the First City[edit]

Well, the mission Jokanur Diggings is very hard, but you can start from Blacktide Den so you can take 8 people with you. The area is very easy, but be careful with that flame things in the south. Also, be careful with the bells that are falling down and send your heroes forward. A Minion Master can have it a hard time: Minion Masters tend to walk slow so the minions can be smashed under the bell and thus die. In the inner area, where you can find the end boss during the mission, there's a Dervish boss which is a pushover. Tip: start from Blacktide Den so you can take 8 people with you.

Lahtenda Bog[edit]

Not very hard, but a lot of monsters here. You can only start from Blacktide Den and you can take 8 people with you. I went in with 4 hencies, Monk, Ranger, Warrior and Ele and my Discord build heroes. The Mandragors can deal loads of damage and Pain Inverter doesn't work on the Necro's. There are many, many Mandragor popups here so be careful with then and don't try to deal with 2 groups the same time. Tip: Be careful with the Mandragor popups!

Zehlon Reach[edit]

Very big area. I started from Beknur Harbor and worked my way toward the Zehlon Reach portal. I took the same people as when I vanquished Lahtenda Bog. The area itself is very, very easy now you're with a party of 8. The area was designed for a party of 4. The plants are easy, the scales are easy and the corsair mobs are easy. Make sure you clear this area efficient: that means that you plan out a path you can take. Check every corner here! Tip: start from Blacktide Den so you can take 8 people with you.

Poisoned Outcrops[edit]

For this area I took a guildie Dervish (Ursan), a Elementalist guildie with Savannah Heat and me with Ursan, some protection skills and Pain Inverter with the Ruby Djinn. We left from the Mouth of Torment. We began with the hardest boss, the Elementalist (Drojkar or something) boss with Sandstorm. A Pain Inverter just makes him a push over. Then we went to the other Elementalist boss, that one with Ether Prism. We got wiped there. Then we went to the Necromancer boss, not very hard and after that the Ritualist boss which proved a challenge. There is another group with Undeads very near, we aggroed then both and got wiped. Finally we managed to vanquish the area. Tip: Take Pain Inverter for the Elementalist bosses.

Bahdok Caverns[edit]

For this area I took the same team as with vanquishing Barbarous Shore (see below). Overall it wasn't very hard. There are many mobs and you will spend some time here killing all of then. The hardest part was the Elementalist Mandragor boss. Before him are some spawns of Stoneflesh Mandragors and sometimes there will be 4 in a group: be careful here. They can do some serious damage output in a very short time. Take Pain Inverter to kill then very fast. There are also many Corsairs here but they aren't very hard: just be sure to take the Elementalist/Priest mob out first. Tip: take some shield/damage prevention for the Stoneflesh Mandragors.

Barbarous Shore[edit]

I took my Discord team, a Monk healer, an Elementalist (Fire), Ranger and Koss for this area. It wasn't that hard, except when you get to the point where 2 boss groups are wandering very close to each other. I activated a shrine here and I began to fight the first boss but I accidentaly pulled the 2nd one so we got overwhelmed. When we got resurrected, we pulled the both groups again. We finished then both with a death penalty about 50%. Be very careful here! Also take note of the hidden cave where 3 corsairs are: it took some searching to find these. Tip: be careful with pulling where the two bosses are very close to each other.

Garden of Seborhin[edit]

I vanquished this area when it was the Zaishen Vanquish so I did this with a group. I first tried to do it alone, with my standard SH build, discordway and an interrupt Ranger, another SH ele, Warrior and LoD monk but the groups with the Djinns and the Ethers proved to be a challenge. So I decided to get a team of real people and we vanquished it. During the vanquished I noticed that the Roaring Ethers can be killed very fast by using Pain Invert on then, the same goes for the Ruby Djinns (which have the priority over Roaring Ethers). Tip: take Pain Inverter for the Roaring Ethers/Ruby Djinns.