User:Grown Up Gwen
Celestial Staves[edit]
Celestial Staves and Celestial Scepters only exist non-inscribable. Inscribable Celestial weapons (Sword, Axe, Hammer, Bow, Daggers, Shield) drop from the Zaishen-Chest and the final reward chest from FoW and UW. That's why many people assume, that Celestial Staves and Scepters can also be found there. This is not the case.
Which attributes are available ?[edit]
Not all attributes are available for Celestial Staves. Here, I will give you a short overview of what is possible and what is not.
NOTE: The list of attributes applies to ALL universal staves from Cantha, not just Celestials.
Available as attribute of the Staff ("requires")
Elementalist : Earth Magic, Fire Magic, Air Magic, Water Magic
Monk: Smiting Prayers, Divine Favor
Necromancer: Blood Magic, Curses, Death Magic
Mesmer: Domination Magic, Illusion Magic
Ritualist: Spawning Power, Channeling, Communing, Restoration Magic (see notes)
Available as attribute through "Halves Casting Time of"
Not available in any form
- Restoration Magic is believed to have been removed from the drop pool after the Staff-update a few years ago.
- Everything stated above also applies to Celestial Scepters
- Everything in this section is based on observations of a few players and collectors
Will add pictures soon to confirm the attributes above.
Only exists without inscription[edit]
Many people assume, that the Zaishen-Chest can drop any weapon from all campaigns. This assumption is false. The following list will give a small overview of weapons that are only available without inscription. The list will not include weapons, that are only available at collectors, like the Lotus Staff.
Please pm me, if you have some information for me. IGN: Grown Up Gwen
- All Outcast weapons (Shield and Staff)
- All Plagueborn weapons (Staff, Scepter, Focus, Shield, Bow, Daggers, Maul, Sword, Axe)
- Ornate Shield
- Echovald Shield
- Bladed Shield
- Gothic Defender
- Amber Aegis
- Outcast Shield
- Plagueborn Shield
- Diamond Aegis (req Strength)
- Iridescent Aegis (req Strength)
Note: None of these can be upgraded or altered in any way.
- Celestial Staff
- Dragon Staff
- Bo Staff
- Cockatrice Staff
- Forbidden Staff
- Amber Staff
- Jade Staff
- Outcast Staff
- Plagueborn Staff
- Fire Staff (Dead Staff-skin)
- Water Staff (Dead Staff-skin)
Note: I often see people wanting to buy the skins from above with a +5^50% Energy-mod. This is not possible on non-inscribable Staves and only available as an inscription.
Scepters, Rods, Wands[edit]
- Celestial Scepter
- Koi Scepter
- Plagueborn Scepter
- Jade Wand
- Amber Wand
- Jellyfish Wand
Note: None of these can be upgraded or altered in any way.
- Paper Fan
- Jug
- Plagueborn Focus
- Paper Lantern
Note: None of these can be upgraded or altered in any way.
- Kaineng Axe
- Crude Axe (Canthan Skin)
- Jade Axe
- Serpent Axe (Canthan skin. All inscribable versions have the Tyrian skin)
- Plagueborn Axe
- Krytan Axe
- Hatchet (very unsure, please pm me or post in my talk-page if you know)
- Rusty Axe
Note: White Reavers drop inscribable on a quest in EotN
- Plagueborn Sword
- Oni Blade
- Icy Dragon Sword (except the one you can get from the Traveler)
- Tribal Blade (probably does not even exist in gold - Might exist inscribable in blue rarity)
- Purple Crystalline Sword
Note: Inscribable purple Crystalline swords only dropped in the EotN-preview event. You can no longer get them as a drop. That's why I put them on the list.
- Jade Hammer
- Marble Hammer
- Plagueborn Maul
- Colossal Pick
- Swamp Club
- War Hammer (Giant Slayers Hammer Skin) (unsure, please pm me or post in my talk-page if you know)
- Plagueborn Bows (Recurve Bow, Hornbow)
- Naga Bows (Shortbow, Longbow)
- Jade and Amber Bows
- Jade Daggers
- Oni Daggers
- Plagueborn Daggers
If you have more weapons to add or see a mistake, please let me know. My IGN: Grown Up Gwen
Only exists inscribable for certain attributes[edit]
Here I will give a list of weapons from Prophecies and Factions that exist inscribable, but not for all attributes.
- Zodiac Staff and Scepter: Divine Favor, Energy Storage, Soul Reaping, Spawning Power, Inspiration Magic
- Platinum Staff and Wand: Divine Favor, Energy Storage, Soul Reaping, Spawning Power, Inspiration Magic (only Staff), Domination
Magic (only Wand)
- Raven Staff: Soul Reaping
- Wayward Wand: Divine Favor, Energy Storage, Soul Reaping, Spawning Power, Inspiration Magic
- Straw Effigy: Divine Favor, Energy Storage, Soul Reaping, Spawning Power, Inspiration Magic
- Celestial Shield: Tactics, Strength (Don't drop with Paragon attributes)
- Diamond Aegis (all except req Strength)
- Iridescent Aegis (all except req Strength)
If you have more weapons to add, please let me know.
...more text to come...
Why can't I upgrade my shield ?[edit]
Here I will give a small overview about which shields can be upgraded and which not
Shields with +1 20% Attribute[edit]
Only attributes of core profession are available as this unusual shield modifier. Shields with +1 20% Ritualist attributes (sadly )don't exist. ...more text to come...
"of Slaying"-mods[edit]
Against the general assumption, of Slaying mods for Daggers, Spears and Scythes don't exist, except the ones that can be crafted in EotN. Many players claim to have seen one. Yet, there is no proof by a single screenshot.
...more text to come...