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Who is Gut?[edit]

Having realized the power of the monk, his character, Gut Monk, was a shortened to his handle, now just "Gut". While it has meaning in English—a gut feeling, going with your gut, ect.—the intended meaning was German for "good" or "skilled". But in his case, gut may mean something wholly different!

What I play[edit]

Monk, monk, monk. I play RA, JQ, and AB. Yet playing RA is my favorite, because it is the most lucrative form of PvP in term of zKeys, and going 25 really makes people happy. I also will play Mesmer, Ranger, Warrior, and Necro for fun. In GW1 I am a one-man guild, yet I look forward to joining a larger guild in GW2 and playing GvG for it.