User:Guy Fawkes/Political Talk

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I have included this page to express my political views, and to allow others to express theirs as well. Feel free to disagree with anything posted here, and to express yourself. Pretty much any comment except "you're stupid for thinking that" is welcome. Just be warned, others also have the same freedom to disagree with you as you do with them. I only ask that you keep the discussion in here to political and world type topics. Use my regular talk page for in game discussion.

Guy Fawkes 04:08, 26 October 2009 (UTC)

Not sure what anyone else's political views are, but figured I should start this page off with some of my views. They may be rambling, and that is fine with me. If your posts in here are on the rambling side, that is fine too, just keep them political in nature.

  • For the record, this is my own opinion. I am not trying to claim that all of this information is 100% accurate. I fully hope that I am wrong, because if I am not, then my Country is in some deep trouble. I also recommend watching Fox News and every news channel. Do not form your opinions only on one thing, question, research, and learn to think for yourself.

First and foremost, it is pissing me off that the current U. S. Government is working so hard to take away so many of our rights, and it seems that many people are either unaware of what is happening, or think that they cannot do anything about it. Well, guess what people, it IS happening, and the best way to not do anything about it is to keep thinking that. Specifically something I learned recently is that the President is basically using the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) as an advertising company, and the part that pisses me off the most about this is that the American taxpayer is the one paying the bill for this advertisement. I was under the impression that the NEA was there to support and encourage the Arts, not a political view or candidate.

(Before I get going too far, most of the information I am posting here, I have seen on Fox News Channel, from various programs. One of my roommates watches it. Also, I do not condone the method of change the original owner of this name attempted to use to influence change in his situation.)

A large portion of the "advisers" to the current President (Barrack Obama) have long standing marxist leaning ideals and philosophies. One specific example, Van Jones, who in his own words (recorded videotape) has claimed radical leftist views that I have to wonder how many other of the current advisers to the President are just now being quieter about them. The problem is that the so-called mainstream media didn't even find anything (or if they did, they were keeping it quiet) of Mr. Jones' remarks before to be a problem. Most news networks didn't even broadcast anything about it until after he had resigned. The really ironic thing is that since his "resignation", Van Jones has gone to work for another adviser of President Obama.

Recently (in respect to his term as President), President Obama had said, in answer to questions on his policy, that "if you want to know what my policy is on this, then I associate with so and so, and if you want to know my policy on this other thing, then I associate with this other so and so". (I am not trying to be disrespectful on this, I honestly don't remember right now his exact words. I am misquoting him, and for that I apoligise.) My concern is, that NOW we are supposed to understand his policies by who he is associating with, but when questions arose during the campaign, who he was associating with wasn't something we as a concerned public should look at too closely.

Another issue, at the beginning of his term, President Obama said he was going to push for transparency I believe he called it in Government. I am wondering when is this transparency he is "pushing" for going to be happening exactly? I also heard recently that many of the bills that are being passed by our government (the House of Representatives and the Senate) are not even being read by our "lawmakers", and even more shocking, is that some of these bills, they aren't even the ones writing them. To me, that means that anyone who is writing them could put whatever they wanted through the government, and everyone else would have to "follow" them because they are now signed into law. I hope more people have an issue with that than have previously.

During his swearing in, President Obama (and other of our legislators) take an Oath which has in it (among other things) "I swear to defend the Constitution". And I have to ask myself, if you swore to defend the Constitution, then why does it seem that every day, there are more and more attacks on the Freedoms that it defends? Why is it you said recently, Mr. President, about the Constitution saying all these things that the Government wasn't allowed to do to the People of this Country (my paraphrasing), and you seem to be pushing for "adjusting" it to show what the Government was allowed to do to the People?

I do not claim to be a political major here, just a concerned Citizen of the greatest Country in the world, and I believe that the Constitution IS there for exactly that reason. It is SUPPOSED to be a safeguard against the Government sticking their nose into the private affairs of the Citizens; it is SUPPOSED to be there to protect the rights of the Citizens; and by saying exactly what the Government was NOT allowed to do, it is doing it's job. President Obama, you also said that you believe "the Constitution is fundamentally flawed" (I hope I am repeating your words accurately), and that makes me wonder, how, in good faith, can you swear to defend something that you believe is fundamentally flawed? How is it that you are seeking to destroy the very same Constitution that our Founding Fathers went through so much trouble to create? How is it that you are seeking to destroy the Constitution you swore to defend? How is it that you are seeking to destroy the very same Freedoms that our Founding Fathers fought for, and many died for to secure for themselves and their descendants? How is it that you are seeking to destroy those very same Freedoms that hundreds, sorry, THOUSANDS of men and women who wear the Uniform of the United States Military have died to defend? How can you belittle that very same portion of the Oath that those same men and women swore, "to defend the Constitution against ALL (my emphasis) enemies, foreign and domestic."?

I recently saw on the Fox News Channel (I highly recommend watching, if only to get more than one view of events) that the current medical insurance system being used in Maine (yes, that close) is so deep in debt that the prices for it have gone through the roof. The reason I bring this up is because it is VERY similar to the "health insurance plan" being proposed to be put in place in the entire country. Within six years, I believe, it has shown the failure of the system, and that is only for approximately 3,000,000 people. Imagine how quickly and how badly it will go for the number of people living in the country now. Public outcry has been so bad about this "public option", that the part of that has been taken out of the reform bill, and yet, House Speaker Pilosi (I apoligise if I am misspelling her name) has spoken of the proposed legislation, and has spoken of forcing (I call it that because the public doesn't want it) the public option back into the legislation before it is passed into law. If I am remembering correctly, she was also the same person who stated that two of the people who's political philosophies she admired the most were Mao Tse Tung, and Mother Theresa. I am still stunned that they could even be brought up in the same sentence. But even more, I thought that Mao's "political philosophy" was to kill millions of his countrymen. As I said, I am not totally sure she was the individual saying this, but it was someone who is currently in the "responsible" position of helping to lead this Country. To me, that is a HUGE issue.

The sad part is, is that I believe that you (Mr. President) honestly feel you are doing the right thing, and that, in your mind, the People of this great Country are too stupid to see the benefits you are working to obtain. The problem with that point of view is that the Founding Fathers saw something like this happening, and that is why they made those Amendments that have since been called the Bill of Rights. That may just explain the reason your approval ratings (in every day society, they call that a review, given during employment by the company they work for) have fallen so much. I am not sure you (or anyone else currently in Government) are aware of this or not, but you are our (the U.S. Citizen) employee(s), you work FOR US. Lately it seems that you and many others wearing the political shoes in this country have forgotten that. The phrase is "Government of the People, by the People, and FOR (my emphasis, again) the People." for a reason.

Mr. President, and current members of the Senate and House of Representatives, before it is too late, before you have royally screwed this Country up even more, please PLEASE PLEASE do not take us any further down the path towards Socialism (and soon after, Communism).

Guy Fawkes 05:29, 26 October 2009 (UTC)

Another thing that I wanted to mention, but ran out of time before. This (the U. S.) is supposed to be a free Country, and yet it seems that the Government is sticking their noses in a lot on private businesses, based solely on the fact that they accepted "bail out" money from that Government.

If I am remembering correctly, certain members of that Government were either directly or indirectly part of the problem that caused this financial situation, with their involvement in certain government backed lending institutions (in name only, not in actual formation) such as Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, and those institutions' taking on a large quantity of less than prudent loans. Not to mention, some of those companies who have received bail out money at the time, didn't ask for, didn't need, and didn't even want any of that money. In the beginning, the Government basically forced that money on them, by threatening audits of those companies if they didn't take it.

Don't get me wrong, I think we can be reasonably sure that the Government wouldn't have found anything out of sorts, but that isn't the point. I believe that an audit takes a lot of time and effort for those companies to have one done to them, and can conceivably interrupt their process of making money, further affecting their income.

Then, to top it off, I seem to remember hearing that the Government was telling these companies that didn't want the bail out money in the first place that they had to do what the Government told them, because they accepted the money that was basically forced on them.

I honestly hope I am wrong on this, I really do, because it seems lately that Big Brother is sticking their noses deeper and deeper into everyone's pockets, and if people say something about it, then, in the example of the bail out money, they are being strong-armed into "cooperating". Last time I checked, the letters GM stood for General Motors, not Government Motors. And yet, because of the bail out situation (that in my opinion that some people within the Government helped to create a need for it), the Government is sitting there, telling that company who to hire and fire (I thought that was up to the owners of a company ultimately, which in this case would be the stockholders). Not only that, but during the advertisements for GM products, you no longer see the subdivisions of Saturn and Hummer there. Why is it that GM had to get rid of a product line that seemed to be making them money?

Mr. President, I ask you, please take the time to explain what it is you are trying to do. I am pretty sure that more people would be able to understand than you seem to be giving us credit for. This goes back to that transparency you were claiming the Government would be having. When it comes down to our "lawmakers" passing into law bills written by other people, and not even reading them, that scares me, and I hope scares all of the People in this Country. Is that what you meant by "transparency"? That it would be so transparent that the laws being passed weren't even going to be seen by the people who are supposedly "making" them?

"Remember, remember the 5th of November... Guy Fawkes 16:09, 26 October 2009 (UTC)