User:Halogod35/Contest/Create a Class/Riddle

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The troll is nebulous figure, never aware of his own bona fide intentions, but well aware that he likes to cause massive amounts of rage, pain, and suffering

— in-game description

Typical troll armor.


The strength of the troll class comes from their ability to cause others to rage, which instantly kills the target and kicks them from the match.

Rage Power (Primary Attribute)[edit]

For each rank in Rage Power, you gain an additional 7% chance to make target enemy rage.

Run Gimmick

5 Energy45 minutes Activation time10 minutes Recharge time Skill. For the rest of the match, you run some retardedly gay build like Wail of Doom.75...35...25% chance of being called a fag


15 Energy1 Activation time0 Recharge time Skill. All the interrupts on your skill bar become Distracting Shot, but don't require a bow. These Distracting Shots recharge 15...7204...9001% faster.


25 Energy2 Activation time8 Recharge time. Skill. Raises you're Fire Magic attribute to 23. After 10...3...1x10-1 seconds, target enemy is hit with Searing Flames six times, Glowing Gaze six times, and Rodgort's Invocation six times.


10 Energy2 Activation time20 Recharge time Elite Hex Spell. For 120...176...190 seconds, whenever target foe stands up, target foe is knocked down for 10 seconds.

Dumb Dead Dude's Aura

15 Energy0.25¼ Activation time30 Recharge time. Summon 10...36...42 level 18...36...40 Flesh Golems.

Fire Your Lazer

10 Energy2 Activation time20 Recharge time Spell. You fire your Lazer at target foe's location. For 5 seconds, target foe and all foes adjacent to this location take 5...37...45 holy damage each second and begin Burning for 1...3...3 seconds. For each rank in Meme Usage, you fire an additional Lazer.


For each rank in Sarcasm, your deliberate use of irony is pi(rank) times harder to detect.

"Buff Shadow Form"

5 Energy0 Activation time15 Recharge time. Shout. All trollbait turn their attention towards you.

Hit on female character

5 Energy100 Activation timeINFINITELY REWARDING Recharge time. You hit on target female character, who is really controlled by a super-nerdy guy. After 3...25...30 minutes, you break target female character's heart.

Witty retort

0 Energy0 Activation time0 Recharge time. Shout. After 1...13...16 seconds, target finally understands your retort.

"Your Retartd"

5 Energy1 Activation time30 Recharge time Insult your enemy's IQ level. (100...40...25% chance of failure)

Flame Mastery[edit]

No inherent effect. Skills attributed to Flame Mastery become stronger with each rank.

"You're a fag!"

5 Energy0 Activation time15 Recharge time. Echo. Lasts 5...161...200 seconds. Re-applies to target foe whenever he takes damage.

"You're a stupid shitter"

15 Energy0 Activation time25 Recharge time. Elitist Shout. No effect unless you are in a champ range guild, have a hero rank of 12 (or higher) and have been playing the game for 5 years.


10 Energy10 Activation time60 Recharge time. Skill. For 10...98...120 minutes, your Rage Power and Flame Mastery attributes are raised by 6.

Ad Hominem

0 Energy0 Activation time0 Recharge time Attack. You target the flag runner.

"Your mother!"

0 Energy0 Activation time3000 Recharge time. Summons target enemy's mother, bound and gagged and ready for whatever you will to her. ;)

Meme Usage[edit]

No inherent effect. Skills attributed to Meme Usage become stronger with each rank.

"So I herd u liek mudkipz"

5 Energy1 Activation timeMorale Boost Recharge time. Shout. For 3...9...10 minutes, target foe begins dry-humping a doll.

Rick Roll—Skill. For 180 seconds, you replace target foe's elite skill with a video of Rick Astley.
"Cool Story, Bro"

0 Energy0 Activation time0 Recharge time. Shout. Reduces target foe's Rage Power to -5 and disables all of Target Foe's troll skills for 20...100...120 seconds. Only works on Trolls.


5 Energy1 Activation time45 Recharge time. Shout. Removes all hexes and conditions from your allies. For each hex or condition removed, all of your allies are healed for 50 health.


10 Energy0.75¾ Activation time60 Recharge time. Hex spell. Interrupt target foe's next action.

Lurk /b/

A part of your soul EnergyTime spent doing better things Activation timeUntil you get back on Recharge time Skill. For 10...26...30 seconds all your Troll attributes are boosted by 2, with your Meme Usage attribute being boosted by another 3.