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Guild Wars 2 Suggestions

Now I like the game and put a lot of time into it. I just thought I'd share my ideas on how the game could be more interesting.


- first person mode is missed from the GW1.

World vs World

- World Vs World maps to rotate monthly, It's still fun with the same maps, but would be better if it had map rotation. I was thinking underground map, underwater map, volcano map. Places like that anyhow.

- W vs W Community fund deposit, for people to deposit and contribute to your upgrade, maybe 1/4 or 1/2 of it


- Engineer Icon is confusing, would like it replaced with a wrench.

-Elixir ultimate is kinda disappointing that it is just 2 other classes ultimate, would have liked to see a sniper rifle or some sort of awesome equipment.

- Auto Attack on equipment would be nice as well. Kinda annoying to have to click constantly, even though you can set auto attack on flamethrower, it makes it a burden to carry it, also grenades on main attack, if you have quick target on it could be auto attack.

- Turret pick up is annoying if you're trying to pick up loot you pick up your turret, if I want to get rid of turret I will destory with tool belt

Well, the game is fun and thanks for all the time you guys put in.

Take care