User:Kalas Silvern

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And another one bites the dust... an update aimed almost solely at nerfing Assassins. Again. I've tryed to refrain from insulting the developers, hoping they're working on fixing things and making the meta something other than a stagnant cesspool of conformity. You know what. The Developers suck. The knee jerk reactions to builds is a terrible way to balance. They don't understand that a changing, evolving metagame is the only way the game can survive. So, to reiterate, they suck at balancing, and I'm finally past the point of trying to be polite. --edit: I was half asleep writing this... or really distracted.


When will they make sins usable in pvp without scythes again?

Why the hell is this game balanced around stalling when most of it is composed of quick skirmishes and areas that rely on mobility?

When will Anet realize that low end pvpers are people too? Assassin Balance ideas

Rant on balance[edit]


Problems with GW, from the perspective of someone outside the metagame mindset:

Ok. Everyone has heard "Sins are OP, they can kill really fast", "dervs are OP, they do lots of damage", "Melee is the only damage worth doing", "Monks are fine", etc. Well, cliched standbys are quite fun. In all of these cases, they refer to one or two specific cases that only apply in GvG, and ignore the rest of the community. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the stall based gameplay that is emerging. I'm sick of all game modes being sacrificed at the altar to GvG. I'm SICK of people so entrenched in the past who can't adapt to a metagame based on something other than stalling.

Dervishes: Give me one reason, ONE reason why dervishes themselves are bad for the game. AoE melee damage? Ok, you're balling up because? High Scythe Damage? Good, something to counteract high power heals. Can't be blocked? It takes an elite skill or teamwork- and last I checked, teamwork = good, and elites are supposed to do that. Spiky? Once again, monks invincible to 3 people at once = BAD for gameplay unless it's something known as GvG- aka stall mode. Too survivable? Get a melee in there with decent blocking and tear it apart- it can't keep up the healing for long.

Sins: OMG I JUST GOT INSTAGIBED! Situational awareness is a good thing. Block = useless sin. Can't be blinded? Try out some hexes, they're nice. Hexes removed? Prot it. Enchants removed? Heal it- you can heal through it with invul... I mean WoH. They can only do it every 20 seconds (25 now) afterall. Too easy to play? They require more situational awareness than any other class- because they're easier to kill. Too mobile? Get mobile, take the fight to the whole map instead of just one small spot.

Melee is the only damage: Ok. And this is bad because? If it's the only damage worth doing, why the HELL would you nerf it and make the game even more stall based?!

Monks are fine: Pardon me while I take time to laugh at this statement. Ok, done now. Using two skills, a single monk can hold off multiple melees and at least one caster. Guardian takes care of the melees, and Word of Healing outdoes any damage the caster can do, and then some. 1 vs. 3 should always lead to the death of the one. It is that way for every other class. Monks also have the best elites in the game, hands down. They get elites to end melee against them, heal massive amounts that are extremely difficult to spike through or pressure through, quick heals that can go in between attacks, and the best damage prevention in the game- and most of it isn't even elite. Now, I do NOT advocate nerfing monks. I advocate buffing all other classes, and especially any damage class, so that a single monk can't hold off 3 people for an indefinite period of time.

And now, the main attraction, and my main point. Bear with me, and allow me to explain.

GvG has ruined Guild Wars due to the game being balanced around it.

What? Insanity? Again, bear with me. GvG is a game mode that gives every advantage to defensive play. Victory or Death, Victory is Ours, and NPCs make it into a game mode based almost entirely around stalling for eighteen minutes, then using NPCs to give you an advantage. Fine, valid strategy. For that game mode. All other game modes, without exceptions, are based on quick, mobile skirmishes. PvE- switch targets quickly, kill fast. RA- kill fast, can't count on a healer- this is where stall changes are the least problematic... that is, until you run into a monk, and the stalling wins. TA- all teams run two defense characters for a reason (recently- one was enough before buffs to shattering assault). In fact, previously, 3 people had to be dedicated to stopping the stall in the balanced build- war to kill, nec to strip enchants, and a ranger to try to int the monk. AB- the most mobile of them all. It is based on small fights between groups who's goal is to get past the other, not necessarily kill the other. The stalling hurts even worse here than in other areas- stalling = loss or death due to the opponents getting reinforcements. It promotes ameoba play, since the amoeba becomes invunerable. HB- this abomination of a game mode is one of the few that hasn't been affected to drastically, but that is partly due to it coming after stalling became the metagame. HA- Escape Scythe. Defense buffs have ruined HA.

The idea of guilds fighting is not what ruined the game. The way it was implemented did that. Now, if this game is to have any hope of being salvaged- and it's at the point where it needs it, or it will go the way of all other MMORPG's other than WoW, or if you prefer, CORPG's- emptied of all fun, stagnant to the point where even the developers abandon it.

Flame me, agree with me, I don't care. Just make sure it is intelligent and well thought out, and I'll accept it. Call me a noob or whatever, I don't care about my reputation- I care about trying to find a way to fix this game that we all obviously share a common interest in.

Kalas Silvern

Meh... done with this game. Developers ruined this game for me, especially since it seems like there's no creativity possible anymore due to them doing nothing but nerfing things. It was fun while it lasted, but the complete lack of originality and thought that seems prevalent has driven away yet another player.