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My Miniatures
First Birthday Present.pngYear
Miniature Fungal Wallow.png
Miniature Hydra.png
Miniature Jade Armor.png
Miniature Jungle Troll.png
Fungal Wallow Hydra Jade Armor Jungle Troll
Miniature Necrid Horseman.png
Miniature Siege Turtle.png
Miniature Temple Guardian.png
Miniature Whiptail Devourer.png
Necrid Horseman Siege Turtle Temple Guardian Whiptail Devourer
Miniature Burning Titan.png
Miniature Charr Shaman.png
Miniature Kirin.png
Miniature Prince Rurik.png
Burning Titan Charr Shaman Kirin Prince Rurik
Miniature Bone Dragon.png


User Kokuou star50.png

Shiro Tagachi Bone Dragon  
Second Birthday Present.pngYear
Miniature Aatxe.png
Miniature Fire Imp.png
Miniature Heket Warrior.png
Miniature Juggernaut.png
Aatxe Fire Imp Heket Warrior Juggernaut
Miniature Mandragor Imp.png
Miniature Harpy Ranger.png
Miniature Thorn Wolf.png
Miniature Wind Rider.png
Mandragor Imp Harpy Ranger Thorn Wolf Wind Rider
Miniature Elf.png
Miniature Koss.png
Miniature Palawa Joko.png
Miniature Lich.png
Elf Koss Palawa Joko Lich
Miniature Water Djinn.png
Miniature Gwen.png


User Kokuou star50.png

Water Djinn Gwen  
Third Birthday Present.pngYear
Miniature Abyssal.png
Miniature Cave Spider.png
Miniature Cloudtouched Simian.png
Miniature Forest Minotaur.png
Abyssal Cave Spider Cloudtouched Simian Forest Minotaur
Miniature Irukandji.png
Miniature Mursaat.png
Miniature Raptor.png
Miniature Roaring Ether.png
Irukandji Mursaat Raptor Roaring Ether
Miniature Freezie.png
Miniature Nornbear.png
Miniature Ooze.png
Miniature Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh.png
Freezie Nornbear Ooze Black Beast
White Rabbit.png
Miniature Mad King Thorn.png


User Kokuou star50.png

White Rabbit Mad King Thorn  
Fourth Birthday Present.pngYear
Miniature Abomination.png
Miniature Desert Griffon.png
Miniature Dredge Brute.png
Miniature Krait Neoss.png
Abomination Desert Griffon Dredge Brute Krait Neoss
Miniature Kveldulf.png
Miniature Quetzal Sly.png
Miniature Terrorweb Dryder.png
Miniature Word of Madness.png
Kveldulf Quetzal Sly Terrorweb Dryder Word of Madness
Miniature Flowstone Elemental.png
Miniature Jora.png
Miniature Nian.png
Miniature Dagnar Stonepate.png
Flowstone Elemental Jora Nian Dagnar Stonepate
Miniature Flame Djinn.png
Miniature Eye of Janthir.png


User Kokuou star50.png

Flame Djinn Eye of Janthir  
Special Birthday Present.pngEdition
Miniature Kuunavang.png
Miniature Varesh.png
Miniature Ghostly Hero.png
Miniature Mallyx.png
Black Moa Chick.png
Miniature Greased Lightning.png
Miniature Pig.png
Miniature Polar Bear.png
Miniature Grawl.png
Miniature Ceratadon.png
Kuunavang Varesh Ghostly Hero Mallyx Black Moa Chick Greased Lightning Pig Polar Bear Grawl Ceratadon
Miniature Celestial Rat.png
Miniature Celestial Pig.png
Miniature Celestial Ox.png
Brown Rabbit (miniature).png
Gwen Doll.png
Miniature Yakkington.png
Miniature Asura.png
Miniature Destroyer of Flesh.png
Miniature Gray Giant.png
Miniature Longhair Yeti.png
Celestial Rat Celestial Pig Celestial Ox Brown Rabbit Gwen Doll Yakkington Asura Destroyer of Flesh Gray Giant Longhair Yeti
Miniature Naga Raincaller.png
Miniature Oni.png
Miniature Island Guardian.png
Miniature Panda.png
Miniature Shiro'ken Assassin.png
Miniature Zhed.png
Miniature Kanaxai.png
Miniature Vizu.png


User Kokuou star50.png

Naga Raincaller Oni Island Guardian Panda Shiro'ken Assassin Zhed Kanaxai Vizu

Usage notes:

| Aatxe = no
| Abomination = no
| Abyssal = no
| Asura = no
| Black Beast = no
| Bone Dragon = no
| Brown Rabbit = no
| Cave Spider = no
| Celestial Ox = no
| Celestial Pig = no
| Celestial Rat = no
| Ceratadon = no
| Charr Shaman = no
| Cloudtouched Simian = no
| Dagnar Stonepate = no
| Desert Griffon = no
| Destroyer = no
| Dredge Brute = no
| Elf = no
| Eye of Janthir = no
| Fire Imp = no
| Flame Djinn = no
| Flowstone Elemental = no
| Forest Minotaur = no 
| Freezie = no
| Frog = no
| Fungal Wallow = no
| Ghostly Hero = no
| Gray Giant = no
| Grawl = no
| Greased Lightning = no
| Gwen = no
| Gwen Doll = no
| Harpy = no
| Heket = no
| Hydra = no
| Irukandji = no
| Island Guardian = no
| Jade Armor = no
| Jora = no
| Juggernaut = no
| Jungle Troll = no
| Kanaxai = no
| Kirin = no
| Koss = no
| Krait Neoss = no
| Kuunavang = no
| Kveldulf = no
| Lich = no
| Mad King Thorn = no
| Mallyx = no
| Mandragor = no
| Moa = no
| Mursaat = no
| Naga = no
| Necrid Horseman = no
| Nian = no
| Nornbear = no
| Oni = no
| Ooze = no
| Palawa Joko = no
| Panda = no
| Pig = no
| Polar Bear = no
| Quetzal Sly = no
| Raptor = no
| Roaring Ether = no
| Rurik = no
| Shiro = no
| Shiro'ken Assassin = no
| Siege Turtle = no
| Temple Guardian = no
| Terrorweb Dryder = no
| Titan = no
| The Frog = no
| Thorn Wolf = no
| Varesh = no
| Vizu = no
| Water Djinn = no
| Whiptail = no
| White Rabbit = no
| Wind Rider = no
| Word of Madness = no
| Yakkington = no
| Yeti = no
| Zhed = no

Allowed variables:

no = Cross red.png
yes = Tick green.png
w = Warrior-tango-icon-20.png
r = Ranger-tango-icon-20.png
mo = Monk-tango-icon-20.png
n = Necromancer-tango-icon-20.png
me = Mesmer-tango-icon-20.png
e = Elementalist-tango-icon-20.png
a = Assassin-tango-icon-20.png
rt = Ritualist-tango-icon-20.png
p = Paragon-tango-icon-20.png
d = Dervish-tango-icon-20.png
storage = Any-tango-icon-20.png

Any variable other than no will add to the total miniature count at the bottom of each section.
This includes null variables, so be sure to fill in for all miniatures to get accurate counts.
The various profession icons are to signify if you've got a miniature on a certain character (for inventory purposes).
For now, the grey ball Any will signify your Xunlai Vault.